Mother of SEVEN, 43, shows off her insane postpartum body

A mother-of-seven has revealed how she’s in better shape now than she was in her early twenties before she had most of her children. 

Jessica Enslow, 43, from Utah, gave birth to her first child in 1994 when she was just 19-years-old. 

She soon fell pregnant again, welcoming her second child in 1996 when she was 21, and went on to expand her family another five times over the following 19 years with two different husbands, giving birth to her youngest child in 2013.

Now: The fitness fan looks better now than she did in her twenties

Better than ever: Mom-of-seven, Jessica Enslow, 43, from Utah, gave birth to her first child in 1994 (left)  but the fitness fan looks better now than she did in her twenties (right) 

Transformation: She gave birth to her youngest child in 2013 and unhappy with her figure, decided to embark on a total body transformation in February 2017

Transformation: She gave birth to her youngest child in 2013 and unhappy with her figure, decided to embark on a total body transformation in February 2017

Out with the old: Jessica, pictured in 1996, after the birth of her second child

New outlook: Using a mixture of weight training and cardio, Jessica has transformed her physique, pictured in 2017

New outlook: Using a mixture of weight training and cardio, Jessica has transformed her physique (pictured left in 1996 after the birth of her second child, and right, in 2017

Her four eldest children are from her first marriage and her last three are from her second. 

But despite giving birth to – and then raising – seven kids, Jessica has proudly revealed that she is actually is better shape than she ever was before she had kids, and boasts incredibly youthful looks that mean she could pass for the same age as her eldest children, who are in their early twenties.  

Whenever the mom shares images of herself posing with her eldest daughter Alyssa, 22, her Instagram followers – of which there are many – are quick to comment on the fact that they look more like ‘sisters’ than a mother and her daughter.

Indeed, Jessica’s incredibly trim physique and seemingly ageless appearance has earned her a legion of online fans, many of whom regularly question the proud mother about how she manages to stay in such great shape while looking after such a big family.

Revealing that she quickly gained weight during her first pregnancy, Jessica admitted that she also didn’t realize she wouldn’t bounce back to her pre-pregnancy size immediately after giving birth. 

‘I literally got home from the hospital and immediately put on my pre-pregnancy jeans only to find they wouldn’t go any farther than mid-thigh,’ she shared. 

‘This is when extreme fear and a little depression set in.’

Speaking about how she slimmed down and transformed her physique, Jessica explained that having a husband and older children who support her was crucial to her success.

And as a busy mom, she had to find ways of incorporating working out into her daily routine.  

Like mother like daughter: Jessica, pictured with her eldest daughter Alyssa, 22, says she uses intuitive eating to keep her weight in check

Like mother like daughter: Jessica, pictured with her eldest daughter Alyssa, 22, says she uses intuitive eating to keep her weight in check

Honest: She rarely eats cheat meals, explaining that her metabolism can't handle a burger, fries and shake once or twice a week, and prefers smaller treats instead

Honest: She rarely eats cheat meals, explaining that her metabolism can’t handle a burger, fries and shake once or twice a week, and prefers smaller treats instead

Unhappy: After the birth of her last baby, Jessica, pictured here in 2015, says she was eating lots of Nutella and doing the odd workout

Taking charge: She says she was finally prompted to change her habits when her body composition started to get out of hand

Unhappy: After the birth of her last baby, Jessica, pictured here in 2015, says she was eating lots of Nutella and doing the odd workout 

Before she embarked on her fitness overhaul in 2017, Jessica said she used to eat Nutella every day and do random workouts she found on Pinterest. 

‘I used to eat Nutella by the spoonful, and on my toast and on my bananas,’ she explained. 

‘That’s when things started getting REALLY out of hand with my body composition and finally prompted me to change my daily habits.’

She now goes to the gym three times a week while her children are in school, and also gets up early every Monday morning to do cardio. 

‘I also know if there’s a will there’s a way,’ she wrote on Instagram.  

‘It’s been an adjustment for us, but it’s working really well for now. I always say, “You do what you can!” Be strict about your goals & flexible on how to achieve them!’ 

Jessica added: ‘There are plenty of moms out there who have made tons of progress from their own homes. Make modifications, if necessary, but we can all improve our health if we really want to!’

When it comes to diet, Jessica eats ‘intuitively’, and stopped tracking her macros. 

She has trained herself to stop eating when she’s satisfied, not completely full, by being more mindful during mealtimes. 

The dedicated mother also ensures she’s eating lots of protein at each meal and her go-to carbs include oatmeal, fruit and whole grain bread.

Balanced: Jessica's fans often question whether she and Alyssa are sisters when they pose for pictures together

Balanced: Jessica’s fans often question whether she and Alyssa are sisters when they pose for pictures together

Hot mama: Despite having seven children, Jessica also shared that she's escaped lots of stretch marks and hasn't had a tummy tuck

Bounce back: However she did explain that she wasn't prepared for weight gain in her first pregnancy and had no clue her body wouldn't bounce back automatically

Hot mama: Despite having seven children, Jessica also shared that she’s escaped lots of stretch marks and hasn’t had a tummy tuck 

No excuses: Jessica, pictured here with  eldest daughter Alyssa, now works out in the gym three times a week while her kids are in school and does her cardio on Monday mornings

No excuses: Jessica, pictured here with eldest daughter Alyssa, now works out in the gym three times a week while her kids are in school and does her cardio on Monday mornings

She also keeps snacking to a minimum, and while she admits that she might ‘grab a bite or two of my kids white toast, fries or cereal, or have a few chocolate chips to satisfy my cravings’, she prefers to snack on jerky or protein chips if she really needs something between meals. 

And while some people swear by cheat meals to keep them motivated during the week, Jessica revealed that she tries to avoid them, as her metabolism ‘just can’t handle a burger, fries, milkshake, and dessert once or twice a week, unless I up my cardio and workout more!’  

She’s also a fan of supplements, saying she feels more productive when she takes Warrior Fuel Hers Pink Burst, even on the days she’s not working out.

Taking to Instagram, she explained: ‘I have noticed a big difference with appetite control, fat loss, energy and focus compared to last year when I decreased my workout time and lost tons of progress.’ 

And despite her huge weight loss she has escaped lots of stretch marks and loose skin, however empathizes that the ‘huge majority’ of mothers ‘wouldn’t trade their children for a flawless body. We all kinda know that’s part of the deal.’ 

She also shared that losing the baby weight between each pregnancy was a priority and that overall, consistency was her greatest weapon.  

‘Just stay consistent and if you fall off the wagon, just brush it off and get back at it as soon as you are able!’ she said.