A brave mother tricked a thief who had stolen a bicycle from her 12-year-old son- and even managed to get him to deliver it straight back to her home.
Jemma Shaw, from Cleethorpes, in north-east Lincolnshire, spotted the BMX bike for sale on a Facebook swap and sell page within 24 hours of it being stolen.
She says that her 12-year-old son had been in the local recreation ground with his friend on Sunday when he was approached by two older males.
They sat and chatted to them for nearly an hour, before they decided that they would steal the young boy’s prized BMX.
Jemma Shaw didn’t feel worried about confronting the thief and she had her trusty pooch Tia (pictured) at home with her at the time

Jemma Shaw’s 12-year-old son was in the local recreation ground when his bike was taken by two older males and then put on a Facebook group to be sold
After she was told about the incident she immediately appealed for information on social media.
Within 24 hours of the bicycle being stolen, one of the thieves was attempting to sell it on the Facebook group.
Desperately wanting to get the bicycle back for her son, Jemma took the matter into her own hands and asked the thief if she would be able to buy the bike off him for £100.
The thief was more than happy to do it, bringing it straight round to her house later that day.

The thief was more than happy to bring the bike over to Jemma Shaw, expecting a quick an easy £100 sale of the stolen BMX

While being filmed, he quickly becomes flustered when Jemma asks him where he got the BMX from
But what the thief was not expecting was for her to be filming the entire incident, as she calmly told the thief that he did not own the bike, but had in fact stolen it just a day before from her son.
In the video Jemma can be heard asking the thief how long he had owned the bike and where he had got it from.
He replied to her that he had ‘owned it for ages’ but begins to get flustered and stutter when quizzed about where he got it from.
Once Jemma informed him that she knew exactly how he had got the bike, stealing it from her son, the thief simply said ‘OK’ before fleeing her home as quickly as he could, probably feeling humiliated that he had been found out so easily.
She follows him out the house and says ‘Do you know what you’ve stolen from a 12-year-old boy, this is going all over Facebook you absolute evil ******.’

Once Jemma Shaw informed him how she knew how he got the bike he says ‘ok’ and makes a hasty retreat

The thief makes a quick exit but helpfully had fixed the breaks on the bike before returning it to Jemma Shaw
Now Jemma is encouraging others ‘not to be frightened’ of thieves who are preying on young children by intimidating them and stealing their bicycles.
Jemma said: ‘I really couldn’t believe my eyes when this man turned up at my house wheeling my son’s bicycle.
‘I understand that what I did could have been dangerous, but I have a big dog in the house that keeps me safe, and I just wanted to show my son that you don’t have to be scared of these people and that you can stand up to them without being violent.
‘It is disgusting that these people would go up to a young child playing in the park with the sole intention of stealing their bicycle. It is beginning to get so horrible around here, it is full of plastic gangsters.

Jemma Shaw (pictured at home) has encouraged people ‘not to be frightened’ of thieves, after she managed to retrieve her 12-year-old son’s stolen BMX
‘I needed to show my son that you can be strong in these situations, but also peaceful, because violence is never the answer.
‘I hope that this thief has now learned his lesson, and won’t go around picking on other young children.
‘But he at least did one good thing and fixed the brakes for us before trying to sell me it.’
A Humberside Police spokesman said: ‘We always encourage anyone who has had any property stolen to call us in the first instance and report it. This can be done by 101, or anonymously on 0800 555 111 on Crimestoppers.
‘Also insuring and registering your bike can be easily done online. We recommend you register it at the police-approved UK national property register www.immobilise.com. By doing this it helps reduce property crimes and improve the chances of getting them back in the event of loss or theft. ‘