Motherhood and Work: The French Translation Service

You must be wondering how can motherhood be in any way linked to a French translation service? Well, you haven’t heard my story yet. To start with, I am a very competitive women who love to excel at anything she does; maybe that’s why I run my own firm. So, my freelance business was booming and everything was going great. I was devoted to my work and my husband was quite supportive of it. Everything was going great until one fine day I got the news. The news that I was pregnant.

When Everything Changed

The fact that I was going to be a mother ran shivers down my spine. I was scared but excited at the same time. But this meant one thing, my oh! So lovely work had to be put on the back seat. This, I was not very quick to realize. So, I kept on working and working and the days of my delivery came closer and closer. The larger my tummy got, the more the pain was intense. Which meant my work was affected. But I was not giving up on it. Looking at this my husband sat with me one day and explained how what I was going was not creating a good atmosphere for the baby. He told me to share the load with someone. I thought long and hard and decided that yes, it was time I appointed someone who could be a helping hand. But finding the right person for the job was a challenge after all. Dealing with the French language was not everyone’s cup of tea.

Finding a French Translation Service

My husband recommended me to try a freelance French translator to offload my work and so I did. I used to give all my written documents that needed to be translated into French to a service provider who would revert in time with exceptional writing. So, I carried the speaking part and the service took care of all my writing part. Even a paragraph or a note that needed to be translated, they were there. Finding such a service was very calming. The best thing was they were able to understand my urgency at times and at other times when even though it was not urgent they used to deliver their work on time.

Now, my baby is 5 and I still use a French translation service for most of my work. The help has in no way affected my work or my sales. My business has all the more grown. I can give time to my family, my baby, and friends and still run a business. If you find yourself in a puddle as I did, don’t stretch yourself find the right help required and go ahead with it. If you are facing a similar problem as I did, you should try my service provider, Anthony Teixeira. You should check out his profile and give him a call or leave a message, I am sure you’ll find his services helpful. Thank me later, bye!