Motorists urged to ensure they have breakdown cover in place as holidaymakers hit roads
Motorists are being urged to ensure they have breakdown cover in place as the summer vacations start and holidaymakers hit the roads.
A mix of hot weather, traffic jams and long holiday journeys will combine to create a huge demand for call-out support as engines overheat and tyres get punctured.
Many people do not appreciate the importance of breakdown cover until they are required to pay £250 to be towed off a motorway – or are left stranded at home with an upset family and car that will not start to take them on holiday.
Stranded: Many people do not appreciate the importance of breakdown cover
Comparison websites such as are the best place to find breakdown cover – with motorists paying anything between £20 and £150 a year for a plan.
It is vital not to simply renew an existing policy, but to shop around as the best deals always go to new customers.
Also, do not take out the cheapest offer, but opt for a plan that includes key benefits such as home start.
This is because most call-outs are for vehicles at home with a flat battery or a punctured tyre.
In addition, check to see if the breakdown service will tow you home or to an onward destination – that could include a garage of your choice – if it cannot fix a problem by the roadside.
If possible, take a policy with no excess. Such cover can cost £22 a year with Recover Cover by Dynamo Cover while another good deal is LV Britannia Rescue at £37.
A plan from Green Flag can cost £115.
The biggest players, AA and RAC, are expensive but reliable. The AA has a £149-a-year deal for one car including home starts and national recovery while a similar offer with the RAC can cost £154.