They say that dogs are man’s best friend, but a family in Czech Republic take that meaning to a completely different level.
Dasha Sebelova, 38 and her husband Rostislav Sebelova, 47, from Brno, share their house with 18 dogs, who are all treated like royalty.
Their five bulldogs, however, are particularly well trained – so much so that they will lie on their backs in a line while Dasha gives them all a manicure.
Dasha Sebelova, 38 (pictured) has trained her dogs to lie on their backs and wait to have their nails done
As the pups kick back and relax with their paws poised ready to be clipped, Dasha makes her way down the line, clipping their nails.
As well as having a hoard of dogs to look after, Dasha and Rostislav have twin girls – Sofia Channah and Sarah Angela, five.
Dasha, 38, said: ‘The dogs are like my other children so I can’t help but pamper them a little too much. I’m strict with them at the same time though.
‘The five of them spend most of their time together and are never apart. I call them the “Bulldog squad”.’

Dasha with her twin daughters Sarah Angela and Sofia, both five, take some of their dogs for a walk in the countryside
Quinetta, Moni,Lady, Nina Bonita and Nico even have their own specially-adapted dining table to eat from which has holes for their food bowls.
Dasha said: ‘I think bulldogs are the funniest dogs in the world. When they’re all together they’re always getting up to mischief.
‘They can be lazy when they want to be. I cannot imagine life without them.
‘When I’m clipping their nails they’re all really relaxed and just lie there and enjoy it.

As well as their five bulldogs, they also have Irish wolfhounds, Russian Toy Terriers, a Labrador and two chihuahuas

The pups all enjoy baths together after having their nails done by their doting owner
‘They’re really well-behaved but then they have to be because I have my two daughters around. It’s always been vital to us that all the breeds love children.
‘Because the dogs are walking all the time I have to cut their nails every month so this is a regular occurrence in our house. They’ll all have a bath together too and they love it.’
Dasha’s dogs are partly cared for by her brother, George Feilhauer, 46, as she likes to keep busy looking after their other animals, which include horses, goats and parrots.

Unlike their other dogs, the Bulldogs lie on their backs and will not move until they are told

The pooches have their nails clipped once a month, which is then usually followed by a long soak in the bath

The family live on a ranch with other animals including horses, goats, and parrots

Pictured left clockwise: Dasha, her husband Rostislav with their twin daughters Sarah Angela and Sofia Channah
‘Apart from the five bulldogs, we also have a Neapolitan Mastiff called Lucciano, English Mastiff named Greysi and our Kintamani, Conon.
‘Then there are our Irish wolfhounds Brandy and Silver, a Labrador named Angie, Russian toy terriers Josefina and Camelia and two chihuahuas – Maria and Fizzi.
‘That’s too many dogs for one family to look after so my brother helps out with some of them.
‘I love animals – the whole family do. I’ve worked with them since I was a child and they’re my hobby.

The dogs are incredibly loving and friendly, Dasha says that her ‘Bulldog squad’ love their little girls

The pups proudly pose outside their house during the festive season in matching jackets

There’s not a tin of canned food in sight for these dogs, they are treated to cuts of meat

Dasha says that her animals are her hobby and that she’s always worked with them. But having so many dogs means she sometimes needs help from her brother
‘We also have parrots, owls and horses because we live on a big ranch.
‘They’re funny and love going on walks – although you wouldn’t tell that from the video.
‘Some might think my husband would laugh at me for making too much of a fuss but he doesn’t. He also adores animals.
‘I love dogs so much – our house is so full of love because of them and I couldn’t imagine life without them.’