Mum shows off her son’s scar after his head is sliced open by a ceiling fan blade

A mother has opened up on the moment her son had his head cut open by a ceiling fan and was left with a wound so deep it required two hours of intensive surgery. 

Candace West, a mum-of-two from the Gold Coast, shared how her boy, who was 15-months-old at the time, had been playing with his dad when he hit his head on a fan blade.

Speaking to FEMAIL, Ms West said the accident happened not long after she and her then-partner Jake had moved into a new home – one that came fitted with ceiling fans.

The 27-year-old, who was pregnant at the time with Madden’s little brother, said her son hit his head after her partner playfully tossed him up in the air.

Candace West (pictured centre) with her son’s Madden (pictured left) and youngest Cohen (pictured right)

However, Ms West said the worst of it was not realising how badly the accident had injured her son. 

‘At first, Madden wasn’t bleeding or screaming, he was concussed and then blood started running out of his wound and pouring out of his head.

‘I grabbed him instantly and ran to the medicine cabinet to find anything to put pressure on it.’

Madden (pictured) was 15 months old when he was struck in the head with a blade from a ceiling fan

Madden (pictured) was 15 months old when he was struck in the head with a blade from a ceiling fan

Ms West said she tried to stem the flow of the blood using whatever was to hand, including bandages and towels, while she waited five minutes for an ambulance to arrive.

‘As soon as they arrived I raced outside with a towel held to his head.’

The distraught mum said the moment her son was taken into hospital he was given strong painkillers and X-rayed.

‘The doctors noticed a skull fracture and then wheeled him straight into theatre for surgery.’ 

Ms West revealed her son spent more than xx hours in surgery and needed 17 stitches to his head 

Ms West revealed her son spent more than xx hours in surgery and needed 17 stitches to his head 

Ms West said her ‘brave’ son’s deep wound meant he was in surgery for a total of two agonising hours while doctors worked on stitching together each layer of skin.

‘Madden stayed in ICU for three days after his operation so doctors could make sure everything was healing properly,’ the mum recalled. 

After that, Ms West said her boy spent another week in the children’s ward recovering and was sent home with 17 stitches in his head.

Young Madden spent three nights in ICU before being transferred to a children's ward for a week

Young Madden spent three nights in ICU before being transferred to a children’s ward for a week

She said he also needed to keep a bandage on to prevent any possibility of infection and it took him a few months for him to heal completely.

‘Madden also had monthly checkups for the next year and a half with his surgical team to make sure there weren’t any problems.’

Her son is now five years old, and while he sports an impressive scar across the front of his forehead, he’s a happy and healthy boy.

‘It hasn’t affected him in any way! He just has a good scar and a story to tell!’ 

Now at five, Madden boast an impressive scar across the top of his forehead

Now at five, Madden boast an impressive scar across the top of his forehead

The mum-of-two also has a warning for other parents who may be living in homes with overhead ceiling fans:

‘Standing on furniture and beds can be dangerous for everyone and can lead to more than just broken bones,’ she said. 

‘We are very lucky it turned out the way it did!’