The world has changed since Elizabeth II was crowned 70 years ago today. Yet, despite the recent turmoil, the royals still dominate the news.
The weekend’s Full Moon offers opportunities to move on from unresolved dramas, and to explore new stories. Our familiar thought patterns and routines might be comforting, but they can keep us preoccupied and unfulfilled.
It’s time to stop criticising others and make our own, positive headlines.
Read more horoscopes from MailOnline.
March 21 – April 20
When you’re dealing with an unsatisfactory situation, it’s not disastrous. If things aren’t going well, it’s not terrible. It just means that you’ve got reasons to instigate change. When you’re cruising along with the wind in your sails, there’s no point doing anything to rock the boat. But when the boat is already rocking, you can take action to stabilise it. There’s a chance that you’re putting too much emphasis on wishful thinking. This weekend, if you reach out and smooth a communication issue, you’ll be back in the flow.
June is a powerful month. The Solstice brings transformation. For valuable information, call 0906 751 5601.
Oscar says that the Full Moon this weekend means it’s time to stop criticising others and make our own, positive headlines
April 21- May 21
Often, when we have a new idea we want to keep it to ourselves. We don’t want other people’s scepticism to spoil it, so we’re nervous about sharing it: it’s still in the creative process — which means it’s fragile. Instead, like an egg, we place it gently in a safe place in the back of our minds. We give it time to develop and grow, and develop a strong protective shell. Just when we’ve forgotten it exists … ta-dah! The shell cracks and it’s ready to hatch. You’ve been nurturing an important plan. This Full Moon weekend, it’s ready to fly.
June brings the Solstice! Let it guide you to the future you’re silently, secretly longing for. Call 0906 751 5602.
May 22 – June 22
Success and failure. Highs and lows. Joys and sorrows. We know about opposite sides of the coin. And that living a meaningful life involves dealing with extremes. Yet no one turns to their weekend prediction hoping to see they’ve got difficulties to deal with. It’s not easy to feel grateful for the challenges life brings us (but think how fulfilled we’d be if that were the case). The good news is you don’t need to ponder any philosophical principles. The Full Moon makes it clear. A wonderful upturn awaits. Enjoy.
Let the power of the Solstice inspire you in June. For four minutes of excellent news, call 0906 751 5603.
June 23 – July 23
The ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’. The ‘cans’ and the ‘can’ts’. The danger of comparing ourselves is that we end up feeling like second-class citizens: as if the world was created for ‘them’ (not us). We all harbour resentments. It’s vital, this weekend, as your ruler the Moon becomes full, not to waste time underestimating your powers and strengths. Everyone’s success looks different — and yours is no less valid (or less impressive) than anyone else’s. If you look ahead with optimism, you’ll find heaps to look forward to.
Maximise the energy available to you in June. The Solstice can rejuvenate your world. Call 0906 751 5604.
July 24 – August 23
Engineers and mechanics often experience the situation you’re facing. You’re at a tricky stage … halfway through a process. It’s been going reasonably well. But you’ve encountered a frustrating problem. An essential screw won’t turn. You’ve tried various methods with no luck — and you don’t want to force it and break it. This weekend brings a flash of inspiration. When strength isn’t working, you need to apply strategy. This might involve getting some advice. If you seek help, you’ll make satisfying progress.
June is a powerful month. The Solstice brings transformation. For valuable information, call 0906 751 5605.
August 24 – September 23
When you share your advice, people listen. They might feign disinterest but make no mistake, they’re paying attention and making notes in their mind. And, as time goes by, your words work away, reshaping attitudes and altering opinions. Don’t underestimate your influence this Full Moon weekend. Even throwaway comments have the potential to spark insights. So share with care and consideration. You have more impact than you know. Inadvertently (or not) you can help someone make a life-changing choice.
June brings the Solstice! Let it guide you to the future you’re silently, secretly, longing for. Call 0906 751 5606.
September 24 – October 23
How is your inner child doing? Is it in a ‘throwing the toys out of the pram’ mood? Or is it feeling open and trusting … willing to see the best in everything life brings its way? Or could it be encouraging you to play — to enjoy each moment as if you’re doing things for the first time? Don’t allow yourself to be influenced by other people’s serious attitudes this Full Moon weekend. Just because you’re under pressure to take on responsibilities doesn’t mean you have to abandon your desire to have some fun.
Let the power of the Solstice inspire you in June. For four minutes of excellent news, call 0906 751 5607.
October 24 – November 22
‘People say I’m the life of the party, ’cause I tell a joke or two’. Sometimes it’s good to put on a happy face. When we don’t want others to know how we’re feeling, it can be easier to act as if everything’s OK. There’s a sadness in your life that you don’t like expressing. But you’ve got other emotions. Your sense of joy deserves honouring. The Full Moon encourages you to share happiness. The more you do, the more you’ll experience. And that sad feeling … well, by the end of the weekend, it might just be a memory.
Maximise the energy available to you in June. The Solstice can rejuvenate your world. Call 0906 751 5608.

The weekend’s Full Moon offers opportunities to move on from unresolved dramas, and to explore new stories. Our familiar thought patterns and routines might be comforting, but they can keep us preoccupied and unfulfilled
November 23 – December 21
‘You’ live on a different planet.’ It’s an accusation that is hurled at people whose ideas are unorthodox. It’s an easy way of invalidating someone. Which means it’s dangerous. The world needs people who think outside the box. Without innovators, we’d never make progress. Your creative mind is being enhanced by the Full Moon in your sign this weekend. Don’t be stifled by anyone’s ignorance. Share your insights with those who encourage your brilliance.
June is a powerful month. The Solstice brings transformation. For valuable information, call 0906 751 5609.
December 22 – January 20
We need to work out a secret code. So, if I say ‘rubber duck’, assume I’m referring to ‘you know what’. And if I say ‘green spotted jacket’, I’m talking about ‘you know who’. Now we can speak about a sensitive issue, and no one will realise what we’re discussing. You’re in possession of a secret that feels difficult to keep (and explosive if it’s revealed). Although it’s less highly charged than you think, if you do see a duck wearing a green jacket this weekend, be careful how you talk about it! But if not, it’s safe to relax!
June brings the Solstice! Let it guide you to the future you’re silently, secretly, longing for. Call 0906 751 5610.
January 21 – February 19
It’s impossible to get away from people trying to persuade us to buy their goods or ‘buy in’ to their philosophies. If you don’t want to pay attention you can switch channels or scroll past. It’s much trickier when we’re trying to persuade ourselves. It’s not easy to ignore our own inner voice. This weekend, the Full Moon enables you to establish whether you’re telling yourself something that’s worth listening to. And as you start to see why something is right, you won’t need any convincing.
Let the power of the Solstice inspire you in June. For four minutes of excellent news, call 0906 751 5611.
February 20 – March 20
Life is all about balance. If we’re too rigid, we can snap. If we’re too soft and pliable, we risk absorbing other people’s emotional energy or becoming a doormat. Both extremes make us vulnerable. In a perfect world, we’d find a way of navigating expertly between the two as circumstances demanded. This weekend, a combination of strength and sensitivity will prove to be exactly what’s needed. Luckily, the Full Moon, with perfect timing, provides you with the ability to cultivate and demonstrate those qualities.
Maximise the energy available to you in June. The Solstice can rejuvenate your world. Call 0906 751 5612.