‘Behind every beautiful thing there’s been some kind of pain,’ sang Bob Dylan. As the Sun/Venus aspect peaks on his birthday today, this lyric is apt.
This link between the planets of love and heroism has been building since mid-May, and continues to affect our emotions with a longevity befitting Bob’s career. It helps us to strive for love despite hurts. He also wrote: ‘What looks large from a distance, close-up ain’t never that big.’
Read more horoscopes from MailOnline.
Mar 21 – Apr 20
People who work in mental health talk about the ‘inner child’. Even the most professional people on the planet have, in their psyche, a child-like persona, which affects their decision-making and life choices. This inner child isn’t necessarily always on the verge of a tantrum! It can encourage us to be playful. We also all have an inner parent, who is on hand to share wisdom. You need to get in touch with the wisest, most sensible side of yourself today. How? Follow your heart. It has the best advice going. How can you stay focused and happy? Your weekly forecast will give you the help you need. Call 0906 751 5601.
Apr 21 – May 21
There are some parts of our planet where the Sun is guaranteed to shine most of the time. People who live in these locations are delighted by the sight of a cloud. In other places, a bright shiny day is a cause for great celebration. Perspective has similar qualities to sunshine. When we’ve got it, we think we’ll always have it. When we haven’t got it, we struggle to remember what it feels like. As the Sun empowers your ruler, Venus, today, get ready for a delightful moment of clarity that reveals a solution. Do you need help? What’s the best way to move forward and ensure success? Call your weekly forecast: 0906 751 5602.
Oscar Cainer says that this link between the planets of love and heroism has been building since mid-May
May 22 – June 22
Why do we let others judge us? What gives someone the right to criticise our behaviour? Actually, there’s only one thing that bestows that kind of permission. And that’s our judgment of this other person! When we see their opinion as valid, accept their viewpoint and are willing to give them the power to assess us, we allow them to pass judgment. Fortunately, if we don’t like what they say we can take that power straight back. No one’s more capable of assessing a situation than you today. There’s no need to worry. All you need is some guidance. Your week-ahead forecast can help. Call 0906 751 5603.
June 23 – July 23
Imagine how good it would be if we all had our own cheerleader. This person would be present on the sidelines of our life, cheering us on and encouraging us with motivating songs and dance routines. No doubt they’d tell us that we were wonderful, inspired and brilliant — even when we weren’t! And we’d feel empowered to achieve more than we would without them. Even though this is a fantastical notion, with Venus, in your sign, linking with the Sun, cosmic support is yours today. Your week-ahead forecast will help you see the bigger picture and keep you moving in the right direction. Call 0906 751 5604.
July 24 – Aug 23
Wise people don’t always agree with one another. One person’s route to a life of happiness is another’s road to ruin. Yet many insightful folk agree on one thing. They know the value of seeking within ourselves to find understanding. Some people suggest that we hold, in our hearts, the answer to all questions. Listen carefully to your secret yearnings today. As your ruler, the Sun, links with Venus, the planet of love, your heart wants something. Ask it. Trust the answer. It’s the key to your future. What does your heart desire and how can you achieve what you really want? Call your weekly forecast: 0906 751 5605.
Aug 24 – Sep 23
You’re perfectly capable of charging into the fray. Your nearest and dearest have witnessed you moving into battle to protect vulnerable people. It’s just that you prefer peaceful solutions. You favour conversation and negotiation over conflict. But your patience has been tried for too long. You need a situation to change, and you’ve got distinctly defined boundaries about what’s acceptable (and what’s not). The clearer you are in your mind, the more chance you stand of being understood, and of resolving this problem. Curious to know more? There is valuable news in your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5606.

‘Behind every beautiful thing there’s been some kind of pain,’ sang Bob Dylan. As the Sun/Venus aspect peaks on his birthday today, this lyric is apt. Stock image used
Sep 24 – Oct 23
I doubt I need to tell you which film the following lyric comes from: ‘Climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, till you find your dream.’ It’s one of those inspiring songs that’s embedded in most people’s hearts. I know The Sound Of Music is a bit too sugary-sweet for some people, but it’s in your forecast because a sugary-sweet experience is coming your way. As your ruler, Venus, links with the Sun, it brings a ray of hope. It’s definitely not the time to give up on a dream. Success is about attitude and timing. Your four-minute forecast will help you make positive change. Call 0906 751 5607.
Oct 24 – Nov 22
You’re perfectly entitled to your opinion . . . unless you’re sure that the other person is not entitled to theirs! That’s an opinion you’re definitely not entitled to. Unless, that is, that particular person is of the opinion that you’re not entitled to your opinion. If that’s the case, then surely you’re entitled to your opinion about their opinion? Although we love facts, we also love a good argument. Exceptions and complications are interesting. Don’t take a disagreement too seriously today. It could be stimulating . . . and fun! You’ve got so much to look forward to. Find the inspiration you need in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5608.
Nov 23 – Dec 21
IT’S not possible to have everything you want today, but that doesn’t mean it will be impossible in the future. For now, you’ll have to make do with just some of what you want, which will be more than enough. As the Sun and Venus link, the cosmos is taking care of you. If you experience any trouble, think of it as a minor pain. It’s just a side-effect of making such rapid progress. Some simple stretches will relieve any tension, and you’ll be ready to continue towards your destination. What’s in the sky for you? Helpful planetary alignments! For the good news in your in-depth forecast, call 0906 751 5609.
Dec 22 – Jan 20
There’s a saying ‘first to innovate, first to go out of date’. To prove the validity of this, the example of the Neanderthals is often given. Yet the more we learn about these people, the more advanced they prove to be. Not only did they paint and build complex structures, they were masterful hunters. And since they’re our ancestors, we can assume they were good at relationships, too! An innovative idea is forming in your mind. Be patient. You’re creating a legacy that will last a long time. Solve problems. Ease troubles. Find solutions! In your latest forecast, you’ll discover something very helpful. Call 0906 751 5610.
Jan 21 – Feb 19
To what degree can we afford to depend on others? Isn’t there always a chance that someone has misunderstood something? We all make mistakes: it’s part and parcel of life. So, shouldn’t we be watching for errors that others might be making, in the hope that they’re watching to see that we’re not messing up? Of course, there’s a difference between kindly pointing out an oversight and criticising. If you gently guide someone along their path today, you’ll benefit, too. Make the most of your opportunities. Your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast has inspiring news. Call 0906 751 5611.
Feb 20 – Mar 20
As we grow more informed about the ways our actions impact the world, it’s no wonder we feel anxious about the future. But despite the prognostications and evidence, there’s room for hope. At a human level, as a sensitive, creative Piscean, you have a more positive effect on those around you than you think. Although you’re having to deal with an issue you’d prefer to ignore today, if you face it head on and take clear, decisive action, you’ll learn a lot, and set an example that will teach others about a good way of being, too. For advice to guide you through the twists and turns of your week, call your four-minute forecast: 0906 751 5612.
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