Standard-bearer: Crosbie has turned into an evangelist for mutuality
Debbie Crosbie has notched up a lot of firsts. She is about to celebrate the first anniversary as the first female chief executive of Nationwide, the UK’s biggest building society.
And she is the first person to lead three major British financial institutions – having run TSB and Clydesdale earlier in her career.
While at the Clydesdale, she was the first woman to sign a Scottish banknote, to the delight of her then teenage daughter.
‘Me signing banknotes was the first thing that ever impressed her and possibly the last,’ she says with a smile.
Her role at the Nationwide has made her the de facto standard-bearer for mutuals, where ordinary members own the business, not City shareholders.
Despite having spent most of her career in the commercial sector, she is an evangelist for mutuality, which she describes as ‘the secret sauce I have been searching for’.
She claims Nationwide’s mutual status enables her to keep branches open, while her rivals are pulling up the shutters on hundreds of high streets.
To underline the power of mutuality, she has just unveiled a huge £340 million cash handout, where members with the ‘deepest relationship’ will receive £100.
To be eligible, members must have either a qualifying current account and savings account, or a qualifying current account and mortgage. ‘We are literally giving people money,’ she says.
As for branches, she says Nationwide, which currently has 606 outlets, will have its name above more frontages than any other financial institution by the end of the year.
‘Probably we will be the largest branch network by brand in the coming months, because the others have shut so many.’
But isn’t it inevitable that branches have to close, due to the fact that many customers do all of their banking online? ‘Keeping those branches open is very expensive,’ she says. ‘If it was head over heart, we would shut them.’
She concedes that only a small proportion of customers are regular users of branches, but says these outlets are still essential.
‘It is a broad demographic who like branches. Some people just like going for a chat. As a mutual, I’m delighted we are providing a service that is probably not banking, quite frankly.
‘But most people want the confidence if something goes wrong or they have a complex decision, somebody is helping them.’
So how many branches has she closed since she took over? Fewer than 20, she says, adding that all the closures were down to specific issues with landlords or premises, or when there are two branches within yards of each other.
‘We will never leave a town or a city and there is no closure programme,’ she says.
When she took the job, she extended a ‘branch promise’ to keep a presence in all towns and cities where it is currently based until at least 2024.
Hold on, though. Some branches are not open every day, so isn’t that a reduction in service?
‘We are closing some branches a couple of days a week because they are so quiet,’ she says. ‘It is better to have it there three days a week than not there at all.’
Nationwide’s mutual status has, she argues, also enabled her to give support to customers struggling with the cost-of-living crisis, including temporarily waiving interest on overdrafts for 38,000 members.
‘That would be a really difficult decision to make in the plc world,’ she says. ‘It was a genuine giveaway and it cost quite a lot of money.’
When it comes to mutual values, the pay packets of their chief executives have come in for attack.
Crosbie is paid millions of pounds a year less than the bosses of Lloyds, Barclays and NatWest. Even so, she is well rewarded with a salary of more than £1 million. She could receive as much as £3.4 million a year if she reaches all of her performance targets, which is a lot by any measure.
She insists that Nationwide needs to take a balanced approach on pay. Her argument is that people will make some sacrifice in return for the satisfaction of working for a mutual, but that they would not accept rock-bottom pay rates.
‘I want people with hearts and minds committed to mutuality, but also the most talented people,’ she says.
Another criticism levelled at Nationwide and others is that it has continued to pay miserly returns on savings even as interest rates have risen. Her defence is that she has ‘passed through more on savings rates’ than any bank, claiming that Nationwide’s interest rates are on average 65 per cent higher than competitors.
She has also just launched a ‘Fairer Share’ bond paying 4.75 per cent, open to all members. She admits profits, which soared from £1.6 billion to £2.2 billion, have benefited from rising interest rates, which soared from £1.6 billion to £2.2 billion, saying: ‘I want to give as much member benefits as possible.

‘But first and foremost I have to make sure the society is sustainable. I never want to be in a situation when I have given benefits and then go ‘oops’.’ Nationwide was founded in 1884 as part of a movement to help ordinary working people buy their own homes. Today, it may seem slightly old-fashioned in an age of whizzy tech challenger banks.
Crosbie says there will be ‘subtle rebranding’ but that mutuality has never been more important. ‘We talk about being a beacon for mutual good,’ she says. ‘Right now people are fed up with the whole profiteering thing. My real hope is we can make people realise there are other ways of doing business.’
Mutuals in the past, including the Co-op Bank, lost their way because they failed to focus on commercial realities but Crosbie is determined that will not happen on her watch.
‘I want to bring that sharpness, edge and level of ambition you have in plc-land to a mutual context,’ she says. ‘Some people feel those things are incompatible with the mutual ethos but I think they are indispensable.’
Her first year at Nationwide has taken place against a very difficult economic backdrop. Inflation has taken off, interest rates are rising, house prices have cooled and shortly after she moved into her new office, there was the turmoil of Liz Truss’s short-lived premiership.On top of that came the collapse of a string of US banks and the rescue of Credit Suisse. She argues that ‘probably the worst of it [the US banking meltdown] is over’ and points out that financial regulations in the UK are more stringent.
A review of the £85,000 guarantee on savings if a bank or building society goes under would be a good idea, she says.
‘It has been at that level for ever. It is about perception and confidence. With online banking, money can move much quicker and easier. The minute confidence goes in the digital age it is almost impossible to bring it back.’
Although house prices have been falling back, according to the Nationwide index, her view is that they have now stabilised.
‘Prices are still higher than in 2019,’ she says. ‘I personally don’t see them falling off a cliff.’
Having risen to the top over three decades, beginning at a time of male domination, Crosbie is now one of a number of female bosses of financial institutions – including Alison Rose at NatWest, Anne Boden, the founder of Starling, and international titans Ana Botin at Santander and Jane Fraser at Citigroup.
‘You get so used to being the only woman. But my daughter, who is 20, is living in a very different world. People are much more alive to diversity in general these days.
‘I think – and this is a complete generalisation – women take the issues very seriously but they don’t take themselves very seriously,’ she adds with a laugh.