Natural Treatments for Alcoholism & Addiction

Many people who are struggling with alcohol use and abuse are unaware of completely natural or holistic methods of treating the illness. Drug and alcohol abuse affects hundreds of thousands of Americans and alcohol-related illness and death is on the rise.

There are in fact many alternatives to the medical approach to treating AUD that are entirely natural, which often comes as a welcome relief for a person dealing with substance abuse. Holistic drug and alcohol abuse rehab centers are becoming increasingly popular as they offer individuals a more natural path to recovery than the traditional medical approach.

There are no harsh medications used in holistic drug and alcohol abuse rehab centers to present a threat of developing dependence on another substance, which is an important consideration for a person seeking to overcome their illness. In this article, we take a closer look at some of the holistic therapies used at Elevate drug and alcohol abuse rehab centers which have been shown to be highly effective in combating drug and alcohol abuse.

Nutritional Awareness and Healthy Eating

The food we eat has a significant bearing on the state of our health. When people have been struggling with drugs and/or alcohol for a prolonged time period, they invariably neglect themselves. Eating patterns become irregular as the person increasingly places substance use as a priority over everything else. A classic characteristic of addiction is a complete preoccupation with obtaining and using drugs or alcohol which takes precedence in the sufferer’s life.

People with addiction illness commonly suffer from varying levels of blood sugar which in some cases can cause hypoglycemia, a condition connected with diabetes. Alcohol abuse over a prolonged timeframe heightens the risk of causing significant damage as a result of nutritional deficiencies which are very damaging to a person’s health. Healthy, balanced nutrition is an effective defense against the damage done to organs by drug and alcohol abuse and restores balance to the body naturally.


Some types of detox include the use of strong medications to relieve withdrawal symptoms and maintain sobriety. The holistic approach used in drug and alcohol abuse rehab centers is entirely opposite in this respect as it focuses only on 100% natural remedies rather than pharmaceutical “solutions”. It is impossible to predict the severity of an individual’s withdrawal from alcohol, as much depends on key factors such as their age, gender, family history, environment and the severity of their illness.  Supervised detox enables people to find mechanisms to cope with alcohol or drug withdrawal without having to take powerful medications.

Holistic drug and alcohol abuse rehab centers such as Elevate recommend a three-month detox program. Although this is longer than many other detox programs, we believe it is important for individuals to achieve abstinence at their own pace. Depending of the severity of addiction the person is dealing with, withdrawal symptoms and cravings can last for an extended period after an individual has stopped using, which requires continuing treatment.

Physical Exercise

Physical exercise is not only useful in boosting self-confidence in people attending rehab; it also boosts production of natural “feel good” endorphins to improve overall wellbeing. Getting into a disciplined workout pattern is a constructive aspect of holistic drug and alcohol abuse rehab that can easily be incorporated into a person’s daily life. As individuals become fitter through regular exercise, they start to recognize positive changes in their attitudes towards their health. Very often, people who get into fitness for the first time find themselves researching on health topics and nutrition to get the maximum benefits for their labors. The benefits of exercise have been proven to be significant for people dealing with substance abuse, which is why it is a common component of a holistic drug and alcohol abuse rehab program.


Mindfulness refers to practices like meditation and yoga. The idea behind mindfulness therapies is to enable individuals to exist in the moment. Although many are familiar with this phrase, they may not be aware that this means that thoughts of the past or concerns for the future are cast aside in favor of finding a place of complete peace. This is achieved by deep breathing and focusing on small parts of the body under the guidance of a meditation therapist. Mindfulness therapies are very useful as coping mechanisms to protect against relapse in recovery. Mindfulness provides people with a way of improving self-awareness which is a significant aid in boosting recovery outcomes.

Author Bio:
Mike is a health editor with a degree in Journalism and Social Communications, currently writing for several USA & UK publications. He is specialized in articles around health tips, workout plans, and other nutrition-related topics. His main aim is to help health charities to raise awareness on campaigns about misunderstood or commonly misdiagnosed conditions.