Nearly 100 women say they have suffered under the care of doctor seen singing and dancing on YouTube

An attorney representing Atlanta lawsuits against a dermatologist who was seen singing and dancing while doing surgeries says nearly 100 women have called to say they have suffered in her care.

Attorney Susan Witt, who is representing the family of a bride to be, Icilma Cornelius, who went in for a tummy tuck and liposuction in 2016 with Dr. Windell Boutte’s, and was left brain dead, tells CNN she has had ‘more phone calls and emails’ than she can respond to.

Boutte’s public YouTube channel, which has since been taken down, showed the board certified dermatologist performing surgeries while singing, dancing and cavorting over her exposed patients.

Witt says many of the women who have come forward did so because they felt Boutte had a lack of care and concern for her patients. 

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20 videos of Boutte singing and dancing during operations were found on YouTube. They have since been removed

Atlanta dermatologist Dr Windell Boutte (pictured) filmed herself singing and dancing over her exposed patients during surgeries and posted videos to YouTube for promotional purposes

Boutte is facing seven malpractice lawsuits from former patients. One son of a former patient said Boutte left his mother with permanent brain damage 

Boutte is facing seven malpractice lawsuits from former patients. One son of a former patient said Boutte left his mother with permanent brain damage 

Icilma Cornelius was just weeks away from getting married and earning her PhD when she visited Boutte for a tummy tuck and liposuction in 2016. She did not get married (pictured, and left with son Ojay Liburd)

Additionally, at least two of the women who came forward to Witt said that they were able to identify themselves in the YouTube videos.   

‘I think in this day and age, patients do have to be their own advocate,’ Witt said. ‘This has been a cautionary tale which I believe patients can learn from.’ 

While Boutte advertises that she is ‘board certified in both surgery and dermatology,’ she is a certified dermatologist and not a board-certified plastic surgeon or general surgeon, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution.    

‘I think in this day and age, patients do have to be their own advocate,’ Witt said. ‘This has been a cautionary tale which I believe patients can learn from.’ 

‘I would not recommend having surgery anywhere other than a hospital or ambulatory surgical center,’ Witt cautioned.

In the more than 20 videos that were previously posted to Boutte’s YouTube channel, the doctor is seen cutting into a patient’s abdomen as she sings along to the O.T. Genasis song ‘Cut It.’

In yet another she leans over a patients half-bare buttocks without a mask or gloves on, while rapping the lyrics to Migos’ ‘Bad and Boujee.’ In that video Boutte tells the camera ‘My patients are bad and boujee. Building up fat in the booty.’

‘You could not present a patient in a more undignified manner,’ Witt has said. 

Thus far Boutte has five malpractice lawsuits pending against her and has reached four settlements, according to CNN.  

Ojay Liburd, 26, has blamed Boutte for leaving his mother Icilma Cornelius with permanent brain damage. 

Cornelius was just weeks away from getting married and earning her PhD when she visited Boutte for a tummy tuck and liposuction in 2016.    

Ojay Liburd, 26, has blamed Boutte for leaving his mother Icilma Cornelius with permanent brain damage

In this video Boutte can be heard rapping along to the lyrics 'I'm 'bout to cut' before slicing into her patient

Ojay has blamed Boutte for leaving his mother with permanent brain damage

Cornelius was just weeks away from getting married and earning her PhD when she visited Boutte for a tummy tuck and liposuction in 2016

But Cornelius' heart stopped after she was left on the operating table for more than eight hours. She will now need care for the rest of her life

Cornelius was just weeks away from getting married and earning her PhD when she visited Boutte for a tummy tuck and liposuction in 2016. She did not get married 

But Cornelius’ heart stopped after she was left on the operating table for more than eight hours. She will now need care for the rest of her life, and did not end up getting married. 

‘She just wanted to be perfect for her wedding dress,’ Liburd said. ‘She had everything going for her.’ 

‘That was the first time I ever saw my mom helpless.’  

Liburd has a GoFundMe page to help defray costs of caring for his mother.

Mitzi McFarland said after her own liposuction with Boutte, she ended up with incisions  that looked ‘more like Freddy Krueger cut my stomach’.

This isn’t the first time Boutte has come under fire for her work.

In 2013, a woman who went to see Boutte at Premiere Dermatology and Surgery for a scalp irritation said she contracted MRSA during the treatment. 

She said she suffered permanent scars on her scalp as a result.