The children rescued from a squalid house of horrors in Perris, California, on Sunday were frequently taken out late at night by their parents and endured a ‘military style’ existence at home.
Former neighbor Mike Clifford, 60, told the siblings were ‘robotic’ when spoken to and were often seen ‘marching’ in circles around an upstairs bedroom for ‘hours at a time’.
‘I never saw them play,’ he said. ‘We thought they were mentally handicapped kids, so they kept them in.
‘What we did used to see a lot was up in the second bedroom, on the second floor, was the kids would be walking in circles like they were marching for hours at a time.’
Clifford, an aerospace machinist, lived opposite David and Louise Turpin for three years in Murrieta, California, where the couple rented a six-bedroom home between 2011 and 2014.
The couple, 57 and 49, were arrested at their $351,000 Perris property on Sunday, after their 17-year-old daughter escaped through a window and dialed 911 on a cellphone taken from her parents.
The thirteen children of David and Louise Turpin who were rescued from a squalid house of horrors in Perris, California, on Sunday, were ‘robotic’ when spoken to and mostly went out at night, a neighbor revealed

The couple, 57 and 49, were arrested at their $351,000 Perris property (pictured) on Sunday, after their 17-year-old daughter escaped through a window and dialed 911 on a cellphone taken from her parents
Inside the house, which sits on a quiet suburban street, cops found 13 people aged between two and 29 chained to their beds inside a ‘foul-smelling’ room.
Police said the victims were so emaciated that all looked like children, even though seven of them are over the age of 18.
Speaking exclusively to, Clifford said he only ever saw six of the 13 while living opposite the Turpins but that all appeared thin.

Former neighbor Mike Clifford, 60, told that the Turpin siblings were often seen ‘marching’ in circles around an upstairs bedroom for ‘hours at a time’
‘It was military like,’ he added. ‘My wife would see two [of the girls], they looked like twins, maybe about 10 years old.
‘She called them the clones. When she spoke to them, they were monotone, they spoke together. But we’d see them go to the mail and stuff.
‘I guess the mother let them out to check the mail. Once a day.’
Clifford, who routinely works night shifts, said he would see the Turpins bundling their children into their minivan at least twice a month in the early hours of the morning as he arrived home.
‘They would load up the kids at about one in the morning,’ he said. ‘I usually come home around 12.30, one in the morning.
‘The garage doors would just pop open and half a dozen kids would get into the van and then they’d drive off.
‘My weirdest thought was that they were selling the kids, sexually or whatever. That was the weirdest thing that popped into my head because why would you be driving half a dozen kids out in the middle of the night?’
He also told how Louise Turpin ran a military-style regime at home and expected instant obedience from her offspring.

Louise and David Turpin were charged with torture and child endangerment

Clifford recalls seeing the parents bundling their children into their minivan at least twice a month in the early hours of the morning when he arrived home from work. Pictured above is the family’s six-bedroom rental in Murietta, California, where they lived next door to Clifford

Clifford said he only ever saw six of the 13 while living opposite the Turpins but that all appeared thin. Above they are seen in Dr Seuss-style shirts, and all in blue jeans, in a family photo posted in April 2016
‘The mom, she had a thing about the garage door opening the second she pulled in,’ Clifford said. ‘I don’t think they had an automatic garage door opener and so one of the kids’ task was when that car pulled in, that garage door better be open.
‘Otherwise, she would get impatient and honk the horn and stuff. And then she’d drive straight in and you’d see all the kids get out of the back and run straight into the house.
A little too military like. It seemed OK at the time but when you think on it, it’s kind of weird.’
Despite his concerns, Clifford says he never saw anything that would have warranted a call to the police and said the children appeared clean, if ‘robotic’ when spoken to.
He said: ‘I never saw anything that made me feel, I need to call somebody. I never saw anything like that.
‘For the most part, I just thought they were taking care of mentally handicapped kids. But they made money which is why I was so surprised that they were bankrupt – they had a convertible Mustang, a hard top Mustang and that big van.
‘They’d change out the Mustangs every year, every other year. They were always brand new ones.’
Housewife Wendy Martinez, 41, who lives close to the Turpin’s current residence, says she cannot understand why the older children did not try to escape before.

David and Louise Turpin, seen renewing their vows at an Elvis Chapel in Las Vegas in 2015

Despite his concerns, Clifford said ‘For the most part, I just thought they were taking care of mentally handicapped kids’
‘It’s strange to me that none of the adults in there that were over age said anything,’ she told from her Perris home.
‘They were mobile. They were doing things together and going places. They were open to the public – why didn’t they reach out then?’
She added: ‘If I was to hear a constant, every night, a constant cycle of a yelling or something like that, I would have been like, OK, that’s not right.
‘But when you don’t hear nothing at all coming out of that home, how are we supposed to know anything? It was silent. A very, very hibernated home.’
Despite the Mustangs and the gray Volkswagen Beetle convertible that can be seen on the drive of the couple’s home, the Turpins are understood to be up to $500,000 in debt.
Neither has a criminal record in California, although Louise was cited for speeding in July 2016 after being caught doing 70mph in a 50mph zone by police.
A copy of the citation, obtained by, shows she was driving the Chevrolet minivan currently parked on the driveway of the Perris property at the time.