New caches of ‘golden shower’ dossier emails reveal how its author was friends with DoJ boss

Senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr continued to have contact with former British spy and author of the infamous Trump dossier Christopher Steele after the FBI cut ties with Steele, newly reported emails revealed.

The FBI terminated Steele as a source in early November 2016 for speaking to the media about his relationship with the bureau, a House Republican memo revealed earlier this year.

But Steele continued to send information to Ohr, whose wife worked at Fusion GPS – the firm that commissioned Steele to write the dossier on President Donald Trump – according to emails and text messages first reported by The Hill.  

Senior Justice Department official Bruce Ohr

Christopher Steele in London in March 2017

Christopher Steele in London in March 2017

The communications between the two men appear to be part of a collection of Justice Department documents amassed by the House Intelligence Committee as indicated by the document ID numbers on each page. 

The Hill did not explain how it obtained them but posted the documents on its website.

The declassification marking on the first document suggests that it wasn’t classified in the first place – merely confidential and indicated it shouldn’t be circulated outside the government.

The messages between Ohr and Steele are mostly short and appear to contain a lot of short hand. 

One text message from Steele to Ohr on Jan. 31, 2017 said: ‘B, doubtless a sad and crazy day for you re-SY.’ It could be a reference to Trump’s firing of Acting Attorney General Sally Yates. 

The text continued: ‘Just want to check you are OK, still in the situ and able to help locally as discussed, along with your Bureau colleagues.’

Ohr’s response: ‘I’m still here and able to help as discussed….I’ll let you know if that changes.’

Steele wrote back: ‘If you end up out though, I really need another (bureau?) contact point/number who is briefed. We can’t allow our guy to be forced to go back home. It would be disastrous.’ 

It’s unclear who is the ‘our guy’ he referred to.  

The FBI declined to comment to Fox News when asked whether the agency relied on Steele’s intelligence after their working relationship was terminated.

The unverified ‘Steele’ dossier was compiled on behalf of Fusion GPS, which was the firm hired to conduct opposition research through a law firm that had done work for The Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton.

It was the dossier that claimed the Russians had information on Trump that could be used to blackmail him, including an allegation – which Trump has denied – that he hired ‘a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden showers’ (urination) show in front of him’ when he was in Moscow for the 2013 Miss Universe pageant. 

President Trump has slammed the Steele dossier as 'fake' and 'phony'

President Trump has slammed the Steele dossier as ‘fake’ and ‘phony’

Trump allies have shown a renewed interest in Bruce Ohr's work

Trump allies have shown a renewed interest in Bruce Ohr’s work

Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked for Fusion GPS during the 2016 election.

Steele and Ohr years ago when they traveled in common circles due to their work in the global security field.

Trump and his GOP allies on Capitol Hill have seized on the Steele dossier as a way to paint special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation as tainted. 

In tweets, Trump refers to it as the ‘phony dossier’ and ‘fake dossier.’  

Jay Sekulow, Trump’s personal attorney in the Mueller investigation, and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes have called for renewed attention to Ohr’s work, ABC News reported.

Appearing on Fox News Monday evening, Nunes said of Ohr’s work: ‘I think people should pay close attention to it.’ 

Judicial Watch announced Monday it filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Justice for all communications from the offices of the Deputy Attorney General and the office of the Director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force related to Bruce Ohr, his wife Nellie Ohr, Christopher Steele, and Fusion GPS.

Bruce Ohr was the former Associate Deputy Attorney General and is now Organized Crime Task Force Director.

‘As this sordid scandal continues to unfold, it is increasingly clear that top DOJ official Bruce Ohr – working in conjunction with his wife and other Clinton-connected Fusion GPS actors – played a key role in laundering false information from Russia about Donald J. Trump,’ charged Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a statement. ‘The DOJ must stop the stonewalling and release these documents as the law requires.’