A store clerk in New Jersey ended up being beaten by two gun-wielding robbers.
Syed Ashraf was working behind the counter a his store in Edison when the masked men ran inside brandishing pistols.
His co-worker then attempted to intervene and fought back with a chair which he used to hit one of the thugs over the head.
Two robbers burst into the Dollar Store in Edison, New Jersey and attacked the clerk

The two men attacked Syed Ashraf as one went around the counter while another held him

Ashraf was pushed to the ground in the scuffle as he had a gun pointed at his head

Ashraf said that he wasn’t too afraid because he saw bullets fall out of the gun so knew he wouldn’t be shot
The drama was all caught on the store’s CCTV system and shows just how brutal the assault was.
Incredibly, Ashraf put up a fight to protect the register while a gun was pointed at his temple.
He was able to maintain some sort of composure despite the onslaught because he knew the gun wouldn’t fire after seeing the bullets fall out onto the floor.
‘The weapon was open and the bullets fell down,’ he confirmed to NBC.
Over the course of four minutes, after pistol-whipping Ashraf, the robbers went behind the counter and tried to grab as much money as they could from the cash register but they struggled because the machine was locked shut.

Co-worker, Antonio Barrios, jumped in to help and threw a chair at the suspects

Barrios, seen in the blue here, used a chair to try and somehow stop the attack
At first the unit didn’t open leading the robber to smash the machine on the ground in an attempt to break inside.
Hearing all the commotion on the shop floor, Ashraf’s co-worker, Antonio Barrios, ran from the back to help and threw a chair at the suspects.
It had little effect as the robbers continued their assault.
Barrios then ran out of the back door and called for help using the cellphone of a couple who were driving by.
Cops managed to catch one of the suspects but it is not clear what became of the second man.
Despite their ordeal, both Ashraf and Barrios were back at the work the following day having suffered just minor injuries.

Barrios came up behind the attacker in order to surprise him and gave him an almighty whack

The robbers struggled to open the cash register but eventually they succeeded

Both workers were back in the store the following day having only suffered minor injuries