NEW YEAR HEALTH QUIZ  | Daily Mail Online

1. Australian, or ‘Aussie’ flu – which led to 430 hospitalisations last season, and has returned this year. 2. A hip replacement. The Duke of Edinburgh, 97, spent more than a week at King Edward VII Hospital after the operation on April 3.

3. a) A heart attack. b) Means ‘arising from an unknown cause’. c) Means long-term, rather than serious, as many think.

4. Stretching exercises and staying active.

5. Monkey pox – a rare disease, typically seen only in central and western Africa. Three cases were seen in the UK. All recovered.

6. Susannah Constantine. She revealed on Instagram that she was taking the OVVET’s JointPro, £59.99 per pot.

7. b) – going to church regularly. A nationwide study of obituaries found that those with religious affiliations lived nearly four years longer than those with no ties to religion.

8. Touching her toes, which she does as part of her daily Royal Canadian Air Force high-intensity fitness programme.

9. c) – Harry has reportedly given up smoking, alcohol and junk food, instead opting for green juices and a £575-a-month gym near Kensington Palace.

10. Coffee. The study of 10,000 people by the American National Cancer Institute found that the more people drank, the less likely they were to die prematurely from age-related diseases such as dementia and heart disease.

11. They lost weight too, without even trying, due to a phenomenon called the ‘diet ripple’ effect.

12. Energy drinks, which contain high levels of caffeine and sugar and are linked to a range of health issues in children, from obesity to hyperactivity.

13. Frozen veg – with sweetcorn thought to be the main culprit.

14. A face transplant. Surgeons replaced Cameron’s upper and lower jaw, including all 32 teeth, gums, tongue, the roof and floor of his mouth, lower eyelids and nose. The 26-year-old sustained self-inflicted gunshot injuries.

15. b) – 23rd, with an average of 83.3 years compared with 85.8 for the average Spaniard. Japan (85.7) is in second place. Researchers believe Spanish longevity lies in the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

16. He announced he has had HIV for a decade – and was healthy, with undetectable levels of the virus in his blood thanks to drugs developed over the past 25 years. This means it’s impossible to pass on the virus.

17. Fish oil supplements. A study by the Cochrane Collaboration concluded that omega-3 supplements have little or no effect on risk of heart disease, stroke or early death.

18. In space – in the toilets at the International Space Station.

19. Air pollution. The impact of toxic air is greater than that of cigarette smoking or HIV/Aids.

20. b) – checking work emails at home. The Loughborough University study found a link between emails requiring an immediate response and elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol.