Newborn surrounded by mother’s IVF syringes in gorgeous photo

Four years, three miscarriages, and 1,616 shots. 

That is what it took for Patricia and Kimberly O’Neill to finally welcome their baby girl into the world. 

The Arizona couple saved every single IVF syringe they used, and have found a beautiful way to show just how much they went through.

Each needle was used to create a massive heart. And lying right there in the center of it was baby London.

The gorgeous photo, snapped by Samantha Packer of Packer Family Photography, has since been shared on Facebook more than 60,000 times. 

Four years, three miscarriages, and 1,616 shots. That is what it took for Patricia and Kimberly O’Neill to bring their baby London into the world following a long and hard IVF journey 

And behind that stunning shot is an incredible story of hope, heartache, and happiness. 

A year after they met in 2013, Patricia and Kimberly knew they wanted to grow their blended family. 

The Glendale couple, who each have a child from a previous relationship, weren’t too stressed about the process at first. 

‘We assumed it would be pretty easy,’ they told ‘We would pick a donor, go to a doctor, and in nine months we would have our baby!’ 

‘We were completely wrong.’ 

The couple first began with Intrauterine Insemination, or IUI, a cheaper and less invasive process than IVF in which sperm is placed inside a woman’s uterus to facilitate fertilization. 

After the first two rounds of IUI failed, they knew they needed to get more aggressive.  

That got off to a slow start as well. The first round of egg retrieval failed, forcing Kimberly and Patricia to wait another month.

But the second round filled them with far more hope after 20 eggs were retrieved. 

The Arizona couple saved every single IVF syringe they used through the years and knew they wanted to do something special with them after London (pictured all together) was born 

The Arizona couple saved every single IVF syringe they used through the years and knew they wanted to do something special with them after London (pictured all together) was born 

After the fertilization process and genetic testing, it was determined that there were five good quality embryos – three girls and two boys.

‘We were so excited!’ Kimberly recalled. ‘So we started the first transfer and quickly found out we were pregnant.’ 

At six weeks, Patricia miscarried. The women were crushed, but they had been told it was common to lose one embryo before finding success. 

So they tried again, and Patricia quickly fell pregnant. But then she miscarried at eight weeks.

The doctor then decided to do some testing and discovered that Patricia had Factor V Leiden, a disorder that can cause blood clots to develop in the placenta and cause a woman to miscarry. 

‘Now that we knew the issue, we knew what we were working with,’ Kimberly said. ‘We went in for the third, but never actually got pregnant.’ 

‘By the time the fourth one came and we got a positive pregnancy test, we just knew that it was it for us!’ 

‘We went in at eight weeks and saw his tiny heartbeat and his little arms wiggling.’ 

The couple were completely overjoyed. But at 11 weeks their little boy’s heart stopped and they were devastated all over again. 

‘We were done! Crushed! Confused! Heartbroken!’ Kimberly said. 

‘We took a break from it all and almost threw in the towel. But we knew we had one embryo left. If we didn’t try it we would have to discard it, and there was no way we could do that.’

The gorgeous photo, snapped by Samantha Packer of Packer Family Photography, has since been shared on Facebook more than 60,000 times

The gorgeous photo, snapped by Samantha Packer of Packer Family Photography, has since been shared on Facebook more than 60,000 times

The couple found a doctor who specialized in Factor V Leiden and he immediately put her on a ‘crazy diet’ and pills they had never heard of.

‘We joked often that if he told her to stand on her head, we would try it,’ Kimberly said. 

‘Digging deep into our faith and our own courage, we decided to try the last one. We tried hard to keep our hopes high, but we were terrified. This was it! No more chances.’ 

A week after they went in for a transfer in December, Kimberly and Patricia found out they were pregnant for the fourth time. 

They said a little prayer as they went off for a family vacation to Disney World. The day they came back, they heard their little girl’s heartbeat. 

‘We like to say she’s a true Disney baby, since that’s where her heart started beating,’ Kimberly said. 

The pregnancy wasn’t easy. Patricia was sick the entire time and, after so much loss and heartbreak, both she and Kimberly were a nervous wreck each day. 

‘Each ultrasound was just as scary as the last,’ Kimberly said. ‘But each time we were told she looked great.’ 

Finally, on August 3, 2018, little London made her grand entrance into the world.

The Arizona couple have been trying to have a baby since 2014 and suffered years of heartbreak and loss after multiple miscarriages 

The Arizona couple have been trying to have a baby since 2014 and suffered years of heartbreak and loss after multiple miscarriages 

They are now overjoyed to add London to their family of four in Glendale after years of IVF 

They are now overjoyed to add London to their family of four in Glendale after years of IVF 

‘Seeing her little face and hearing her cry was the best feeling in the world,’ Kimberly said. 

Their hearts full, the couple knew from the beginning they wanted to take a special picture with all the syringes they used before London was born.

They contacted Packer and the photographer immediately said she was up for the challenge. 

Kimberly brought in all the shots and simply told her to do what she thought was best. 

Packer decided on a heart, and Patricia and Kimberly were completely blown away when they saw all the needles splayed out on the carpet. 

They swaddled London in a rainbow wrap, symbolizing her status as a rainbow baby – one that comes shortly after the loss of a previous child. 

‘Watching her take the picture was super emotional,’ Kimberly said. ‘When she posted it for us to see, we fell in love.’ 

‘But we had no clue so many others would love it too.’ 

The photo has since gone viral and received thousands of comments, many from fellow mothers who have gone through IVF. 

‘We love that our image can bring hope to so many in similar situations,’ Kimberly said. 

‘It’s a rough journey, but hope and faith are the only things that can bring you through it.’