A mysterious ocean ‘twilight zone’ 1,000ft below the ocean’s surface has yielded dozens of previously unknown marine species.
Scientists exploring the rariphotic zone, or rare light zone, in waters around Bermuda have found 100 new species including tiny crustaceans, dozens of new algae species and ‘black wire coral’ that stands up to 6.6 feet (two metres) high.
The mysterious zone was explored for the first time by researchers in March and could lead to the discovery of hundreds of new species.
A mysterious ocean ‘twilight zone’ 1,000ft below the ocean’s surface has yielded dozens of previously unknown marine species. Pictured is a new coral species found by the team called Stichopathes
The mission was organised by the British charity for ocean exploration Nekton, and led by marine scientists from Oxford University.
Researchers logged hundreds of hours underwater either scuba diving or piloting remote operated vehicles and submersibles that reached depths of 6,500 feet (2,000m).
‘Considering the Bermudian waters have been comparatively well studied for many decades, we certainly weren’t expecting such a large number and diversity of new species,’ Alex Rogers, Professor of Conservation Biology at Oxford University and scientific director of Nekton, told the Telegraph.
He added that the results suggest there could be more ocean species of greater variety than previously thought.
‘The average depth of the ocean is 4,200m [13,800ft]. If life in the shallower regions of the deep sea is so poorly documented it undermines confidence in our existing understanding of how the patterns of life change with depth,’ he said.
‘[This is] evidence of how little we know and how important it is to document this unknown frontier to ensure that its future is protected’.
Scientists exploring the rariphotic Zone, or rare light zone, in waters around Bermuda have found 100 new species including tiny crustaceans, dozens of new algae species (pictured) and ‘black wire coral’ that stands up to 6.6 feet (two metres) high
The rariphotic zone extends as deep as 1,000 feet below sea level and resides underneath the mesophotic region – the level where coral reefs flourish
Over 80 scientists participated from 12 marine research institutes to discover dozens of new species in Bermudian mesophotic and rariphotic depths (30m-300m).
Species ranged from small ‘cryptofauna’ to widespread coverage of a new black coral species standing up to 6.6 feet (two metres) high.
The team also discovered a huge algal forest on the summit of an underwater mountain 15 miles (24km) off Bermuda’s coast.
The mysterious rariphotic zone was explored for the first time by researchers in March and could lead to the discovery of hundreds of new species. Pictured is a new species of algae found during the new exploration mission in waters around Bermuda
Researchers logged hundreds of hours underwater either scuba diving or piloting remote operated vehicles and submersibles (pictured) that reached depths of 6,500 feet (2,000m)
The region’s slopes featured masses of twisted wire corals and sea fans, green moray eels, yellow hermit crabs, small yellow and pink fish and other mobile fauna.
More than 100,000 underwater mountains exist across the globe but less than 50 have been researched in detail.
The team documented the deepest recorded evidence of Lionfish globally – revealing the spread of this invasive species deeper into the ocean than previously known.
A total of 20 scientific peer-reviewed papers are being published, with all specimens retained in Bermuda and curated in the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum & Zoo.
The mission was organised by the British charity for ocean exploration Nekton, and led by marine scientists from Oxford University. Pictured is a soft coral species known as Antillogorgia spotted during the mission. It is not one of the new species
The group’s next mission will be to the Indian Ocean later this year, exploring underwater regions around the Maldives, Mauritius, the Seychelles, Andaman and Sumatra.
Oliver Steeds, chief executive of Nekton, said: ‘Twenty-four people have been to the moon; we have played golf on the moon, yet only three people have ever descended to the nadir of our Earth, 11,000m, to full ocean depth.
‘We now have the technology available to us to discover the deep ocean, to discover more of our planet in the next 10 years than we have in the last 100,000.
‘We have been looking up and when we should have been looking down.’
Over 80 scientists participated from 12 marine research institutes to discover dozens of new species in Bermudian mesophotic and rariphotic depths (30m-300m)
The rariphotic zone lies directly beneath the mesophotic zone, which sits at a depth of around 120-450 feet (40 to 150 meters).
Scientists at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute first explored the raritrophic zone in March as part of research into waters surrounding the Caribbean.
The zone lies 400 to 1,000 feet (130 and 309 metres) below the ocean surface and one in five fish the team sampled was found to be of a new species.
The fish were closely related to more well-known species that live in shallower waters on nearby reefs.
The group’s next mission will be to the Indian Ocean later this year, exploring underwater regions around the Maldives, Mauritius, the Seychelles, Andaman and Sumatra
Researchers speculated that the deeper waters could provide refuge to some species from the warming ocean surface as climate change alters their ecosystem.
The mesophotic has been well studied by scientists as it is where tropical reef-building corals flourish.
At deeper depths the organisms that build coral can not survive.
As a result, although the section of water around the coral has been the subject of much scientific debate, the zone below it has been largely ignored.