A 21-year-old newlywed has revealed why she wanted until marriage to have sex with her husband, while sharing her tricks for how the duo avoided giving into temptation during their five-year relationship.
Beauty and lifestyle vlogger Milena Ciciotti, from Michigan, took to YouTube to share her experience and also offer advice to other young people waiting until marriage to lose their virginity.
‘I’m not making this video to look down at people who have had sex before marriage, but for younger people who are waiting and need some advice,’ she revealed.
Like a virgin: Milena Ciciotti, 21, from Michigan, pictured with husband, Jordan, took to YouTube to share her experience about abstaining from sex before marriage

Pure and simple: The beauty and lifestyle vlogger made the decision to remain a virgin until she got married when she was 12, after her church gave out ‘purity’ rings
‘I am not here to sit and judge people.’
Revealing why she decided to wait, Milena shared that when she was in middle school and around 12 or 13-years-old, she went to a church concert where they gave out purity rings to encourage people to abstain from sex before marriage.
She said that it was at this point that she decided to ‘stay pure’.
When she was 15 she met her now-husband, Jordan, and says they were both on the same terms when it came to waiting to have sex.
Milena also explained that this in itself made things easier for the young couple.
The couple dated for five years before getting married, and Milena shared that when they first started dating sex wasn’t really an issue as she was ‘way too young anyway’.
However, as they progressed into the teens, she says they got more serous and abstaining from sex became more difficult
‘We got more serious and you have your ups and downs, so it’s not all always easy and it’s not always really hard either. Sometimes you just get into the routine and you forget about it,’ she shared.
She also revealed that they went out of their way to never put themselves in situations that would tempt them more.
This included never lying naked in bed together, staying up really late together, being home alone together without parents being present, go swimming together or wear a bathing suit around each other.
‘I was always tempted, my husband is a good looking man,’ Milena joked.
Her other advice for young couples waiting for marriage is to have a conversation about what would tempt a person more and avoid that.
That being said, Milena revealed that they also didn’t talk about sex a lot, reasoning ‘the more you talk about it, the more you get curious about it’.
However, avoiding temptation wasn’t the only thing the couple had to deal with as Milena shared how she felt like a target during high school as people used ridicule her and also suggest her husband was gay.

Long haul: Milena met Jordan when they were 15, and the couple both remained virgins throughout five years of dating until they tied the knot in June 2017

Target: Milena also revealed that the couple were taunted by classmates during high school who didn’t understand why the couple were waiting

Worth it: However, Milena believes waiting until marriage has made their bond closer and not knowing what was going to happen on the wedding night strengthened their relationship

Leading by example: Reality TV family The Duggars have also brought the subject of no sex before marriage to the fore, imposing strict rules on their children that include no hugging
‘It was really hard people telling me I was weird,’ she told the camera.
She also shared that lots of people felt entitled to comment on her sex life as her wedding day which took place in June 2107 got closer, and she had to field questions from people wanting to know if she knew what to do on the wedding night.
But she said lack of experience is irrelevant in the end.
‘You guys will not know what to do, it’ll be messy, it won’t be perfect, it won’t be like the movies and that is ok.’
She also felt that not knowing what was going to happen helped strengthen their bond.
‘You both don’t know what you’re doing, you’re both learning and experiencing and getting to know each other’s bodies together, and it builds this very intimate, intense moment that you will only have with your husband or wife,’ she added.
Milena’s sex ban is reminiscent of the rules imposed by reality TV family The Duggars, whose 19 children are forbidden from having sex before marriage.
Instead of dating, their children are permitted to ‘court’ prospective spouses but only with a chaperone present.
And while hand holding is permitted after they become engaged, only side hugs are allowed before that and full embraces are forbidden until marriage.