A landlord claims he has been left with an unlivable property and a $30,000 damage bill thanks to his nightmare tenants.
Travis Adams says his home in Perth’s outer southern suburbs was trashed by a family who lived there for three years before they were evicted last week.
He was greeted with a ‘biohazard’ dumping ground when he went to inspect his vacant property.
Every room of the house was littered with furniture, clothes, rubbish, dirty nappies, and rotten food, which attracted an infestation of rats and cockroaches.
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Travis Adams (pictured) was left with a $30,000 damage bill after tenants trashed his home when they were evicted
Windows were smashed, while ceilings and walls were left filthy. The kitchen and hot water system also needs to be replaced.
‘It’s heartbreaking- it reminded me of a rubbish dump,’ Mr Adams told 9 News.
He’s unsure whether the damage will be covered under his landlord insurance because he didn’t have the tenant default add-on.
Mr Adams said the ordeal has put him off getting rental tenants in the future.
‘I probably won’t do this again,’ he told 9 News.
‘I’m going to have to move back into the place and get it to a livable standard. It’s overwhelming, just the lack of respect people have for people’s property and for themselves to live in such a state, and the fact they’ll do that again to somebody else.’

Every room of the house was littered with dumped furniture, clothes, rubbish, dirty nappies and rotten food
His sister-in law Charmaine Kettle has set up a GoFundMe page to help Mr Adams with the damage bill.
‘Trav is one of the nicest cleanest easy going people you will ever meet and I’m hoping that some small donations will help him in this massive clean up,’ she posted.
‘All the walls need repainting, flooring needs replacing, kitchen needs replacing and a thorough pest eradication due to cockroaches and rats.
‘The copper has been removed from the hot water system rendering it useless and broken windows have already been replaced. As a family, we will all be pitching in to help bring this house back to its original state.’

‘I’m going to have to move back into the place and get it to a livable standard,’ Mr Adams said