Nighttime Tips For Improving Your Oral Health

A lot could happen while you’re asleep, especially regarding your oral health. This is the time when bacteria will start gathering around your teeth. There are a couple of ways you can maintain your oral health, especially at night when you’re asleep. Here are some nighttime tips if you’re looking to improve your oral health.

Brushing Before Bed

Brushing before bed has numerous benefits. You get rid of plaque that will have built up throughout the day. There will be high levels of bacteria activity at night. Dentists recommend brushing immediately after dinner if you’re susceptible to cavities. You should also brush just before bedtime.

Brushing the Right Way

Brushing the wrong way is just as bad as not brushing at all. You need to know the correct way to brush. Start by brushing the outer surface of the tooth first. You can then proceed to the inside, but don’t forget the tongue.

Switch to an Electric Toothbrush

You can switch to an electric toothbrush for more effective brushing. An electric toothbrush is supposed to rotate and oscillate in a particular manner which will come in handy when getting rid of plaque and tartar. Make sure you go for an electric toothbrush that is easy to hold and use as the last complication you’d want to experience is with your floss.

Choosing a Toothbrush With Soft Bristles

Apart from brushing your teeth using the right techniques, you need to make sure you’re also using the right toothbrush. Special focus should be on the bristles of the brush. If it is not an electric toothbrush, you need to make sure that the toothbrush has soft bristles as you don’t want to injure the gums while brushing. You can ask your dentist for recommendations if you’re not sure of the toothbrush to use.

Don’t Forget to Floss

Sometimes brushing alone isn’t enough. There are some hard to reach areas that are known to attract plaque buildup. This is where flossing comes in handy. When debris stays in the mouth at night, there is bound to be an increase in bacterial activities. Flossing will help in cleaning those hard to reach areas between the teeth. The plaque turns into tartar if it is allowed to harden. This will make it harder to clean and could lead to serious dental issues. You can decide to floss only at night as that is the most important time to do so. If you’re looking for floss to use at night, you can check out this Water Flosser Guide.

Rinse the Mouth With MouthWash

Mouthwash shouldn’t only be used for fresh breath alone. There are products in the market that provide extra protection to the teeth and can also help with certain oral conditions. Make sure you rinse your mouth with medicated mouthwash before going to bed. Make sure you consult with your dentist on the mouthwash to use. This is because the majority of over-the-counter mouthwashes are designed to only get rid of bad breath and won’t offer any more value.

Be Wary of Teeth Grinding

This usually happens at night and you might be doing it unconsciously.  It will be manifested in the form of sensitivity, worn tooth enamel, and torn cheek tissue. Even though your dentist can’t stop you from doing it, they can recommend the right mouthguard to help with the condition.

Regular Dental Visits

You shouldn’t skip dental visits even if you may feel like you’re in good oral health. There are some conditions that can only be detected when an x-ray is done. The hygienist will keep your mouth clean and gums healthy. Ideally, you should go to the dentist at least twice a year. Your kids might require more check-ups since the teeth are growing. You should also not hesitate to go to the dentist when you feel there is a problem. Most dental problems can be treated if they’re detected early. That is why you shouldn’t postpone the scheduled appointments.

Avoid Certain Foods

It is not a crime to snack just before you go to bed. Foods that have a lot of sugar and starch should be avoided. You want to reduce the chances of plaque buildup even if you brush and floss before you go to bed. Having a routine will make a lot of things easier. You won’t see the brushing and flossing as a big deal since it is something that is part of your routine before you go to sleep.