Non-binary activist Akiea Gross who founded controversial for-profit ‘Woke Kindergarten’ program that calls to abolish police and Israel now posts online rant saying ‘US has no right to exist’

A non-binary activist who is behind controversial for-profit Woke Kindergarten is sparking outrage online after they posted a video in they claim that both the US and Israel have ‘no right to exist.’

Akiea Gross, who goes by Ki and uses they/them pronouns, posted the shocking video after it emerged that the program that they founded has seen literacy and numeracy rates plummet since being implemented in a school in the Bay Area.

‘I believe Israel has no right to exist. I believe the United States has no right to exist. I believe every settler colony who has committed genocide against native peoples has no right to exist,’ Gross told their followers on the official Woke Kindergarten Instagram page while wearing a keffiyeh.

‘I believe one Palestine will be free… is this news to anybody?,’ they go on in the shocking rant.  ‘White supremacy destroys for the sake of destruction. Abolition destroys for the sake of creation,’ they add while smirking and smiling. 

In another video posted later, Gross said that they were not anti-Semitic but rather anti-Zionist. 

‘I believe Israel has no right to exist. I believe the United States has no right to exist,’ Akiea Gross said in the shocking rant 

Gross is 'an abolitionist early educator, coach, consultant and creative entrepreneur currently innovating ways to unlearn, heal, liberate and create with their pedagogy, Woke Kindergarten,' as stated on their website

Gross is ‘an abolitionist early educator, coach, consultant and creative entrepreneur currently innovating ways to unlearn, heal, liberate and create with their pedagogy, Woke Kindergarten,’ as stated on their website 

Gross's remarks have been met with outrage on social media

Gross’s remarks have been met with outrage on social media 

Gross is ‘an abolitionist early educator, coach, consultant and creative entrepreneur currently innovating ways to unlearn, heal, liberate and create with their pedagogy, Woke Kindergarten,’ as stated on their website.

According to her LinkedIn page, Gross has masters in child development psychology and special education from Columbia University. 

‘This person should not be allowed near children. Who gave her the grant?,’ one person wrote in response to the clip. 

‘Amazing she is still in the United States benefiting from all the “evils” of the US empire. When is she leaving for her utopia?,’ said another person. 

‘She wears the genocidal Islamist supremacist swastika scarf. Opinions will be immediately disregarded. With prejudice,’ said another.  

In an Instagram post defining the word ceasefire they said: ‘One place that people are demanding a permanent ceasefire for is in Palestine because they are being occupied, or controlled, by a made up place called Israel that has settlers called Zionist who are harming and killing the Palestinian people who have always live on the land.’ 

Woke Kindergarten’s philosophy of ‘abolitionist education’ aimed at elementary school aged kids centers around the idea that the education system as it is, steeped in racism and other oppressive structures, cannot be reformed.

Gross and Woke Kindergarten previously hit headlines when a school district in Virginia posted - and then deleted - information on their website telling students to listen to an audiobook by Gross suggesting they should not feel safe around police

Gross and Woke Kindergarten previously hit headlines when a school district in Virginia posted – and then deleted – information on their website telling students to listen to an audiobook by Gross suggesting they should not feel safe around police

The event was recommended for families with kids ages six and up and included activities such as building a model of a structure to improve your community and packaging hygiene kits for unhoused neighbors

The event was recommended for families with kids ages six and up and included activities such as building a model of a structure to improve your community and packaging hygiene kits for unhoused neighbors

Instead it advocates ‘a kind of starting over,’ Zeus Leonardo, UC Berkeley education professor told the San Francisco Chronicle.

Woke Kindergarten is flagrant about its political leanings, with its social media pages littered with graphics about abolishing the police, anti-Israel messages and even advocating the abolition of money.

One such lesson the program offers to elementary school children includes the ‘wondering’ where students are asked to consider ‘if the United States defunded the Israeli military, how could this money be used to rebuild Palestine?’

Woke Kindergarten also teaches the kids a ‘woke word of the day’ such as ‘ceasefire’ in order to educate them with ‘language of the resistance … to introduce children to liberatory vocabulary in a way that they can easily digest, understand and most importantly, use in their critiques of the system.’

 Woke Kindergarten’s philosophy of ‘abolitionist education’ aimed at elementary school aged kids centers around the idea that the education system as it is, steeped in racism and other oppressive structures, cannot be reformed.

Instead it advocates ‘a kind of starting over,’ Zeus Leonardo, UC Berkeley education professor told the San Francisco Chronicle.

Woke Kindergarten also teaches the kids a ‘woke word of the day’ such as ‘ceasefire’ in order to educate them with ‘language of the resistance … to introduce children to liberatory vocabulary in a way that they can easily digest, understand and most importantly, use in their critiques of the system.’

In January, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City was criticized for hiring Gross to give a workshop on Martin Luther King Jr and to discuss climate change with children. 

The event was recommended for families with children aged six and up, and included activities such as building a model of a structure to improve your community and packaging hygiene kits for unhoused neighbors.

Akiea Gross (pictured), a non-binary abolitionist known as Woke Kindergarten, was hired by the Museum of Modern Art to host a children’s workshop on MLK and climate justice

Its description of the event said: ‘At MoMA, we celebrate creativity, openness, tolerance, and generosity. We aim to be an inclusive place—both onsite and online—where diverse cultural, artistic, social, and political positions are welcome.’

‘We have a zero-tolerance policy for individuals who engage in verbal or physical harassment, discriminatory or threatening behavior, or hate speech, or who otherwise interfere with the experience of others. The Museum will refuse or revoke program entrance/participation to individuals who violate these policies,’ it added. 

Gross and Woke Kindergarten previously hit headlines in 2021 when a school district in Virginia posted – and then deleted – information on their website telling students to listen to an audiobook by Gross suggesting they should not feel safe around police.

Among recommended readings, writing goals and school standards on Fairfax Community Public Schools’ (FCPS) website, they listed Woke Kindergarten’s audiobook Safe as a summer resource for second graders ahead of the 2021-2022 school year.

A video of the audiobook started with Gross’s narration saying ‘we all deserve to feel safe.’

Towards the end of the video they said: ‘I feel safe when there are no police.’

Parents who let their youngsters listen to Safe were then automatically shown other videos by Gross after Safe ended, thanks to the sites autoplay feature which begins playing other related videos.

The next clip was a video from the series titled Woke Read Aloud: They, She, He Easy As ABC. ‘There are so many different pronouns,’ they read.

‘This kid Diego likes to be called tree,’ Gross added.

A recent poll found a double-digit drop in support for schools that require people to use a student’s preferred pronouns in just two years.
