Nutritionist known for her lustrous locks and radiant skin shares her top beauty secrets

A nutritionist has revealed the secrets behind her lustrous locks and effortlessly radiant skin – and it’s easier to achieve than people may think.

Jessica Sepel, from Sydney, recently revealed that she hasn’t had to use any expensive products or ‘outlandish procedures’ over the years and simply relies on a nutritious diet and a few easy-to-follow beauty routines.

Here FEMAIL look at some of her secrets.

Jessica Sepel, from Sydney, recently revealed that she hasn’t had to use any expensive products or ‘outlandish procedures’ over the years to look this radiant  

For thick hair 

Jessica’s main tip when it comes to healthy hair growth is to eat real food as wholefoods contain a variety of nutrients that help strengthen strands.

‘Silica, for example, is key for hair growth. To up your intake, eat lots of green leafy vegetables, cucumber, zucchini, mango, and beans,’ she wrote on her blog.

‘Zinc is equally important and can be found in eggs, pecans, Brazil nuts, and fresh oysters. Iodine is another must for strong hair and can be found in fish.’

Jessica also recommended people invest in good quality supplements that contain zinc and iodine.

Jessica's main tip when it comes to healthy hair growth is to eat real food as wholefoods contain a variety of nutrients that help strengthen strands

Jessica’s main tip when it comes to healthy hair growth is to eat real food as wholefoods contain a variety of nutrients that help strengthen strands

Silica is one nutrient that is integral in hair growth, which can be found in foods like leafy green vegetables, cucumber, zucchini, mango, and beans

Silica is one nutrient that is integral in hair growth, which can be found in foods like leafy green vegetables, cucumber, zucchini, mango, and beans

How can you heal your gut? 

– Eat wholefoods

– Chew well

– Trial a gluten-free diet

– Limit caffeine intake

– Avoid processed food

– Enjoy probiotic-rich foods 

– Optimise digestive enzymes

– Keep a 20-minute gap between eating and drinking

– Maintain a range of healthy bacteria

– Eliminate stress


For glowing skin

There are a multitude of elixirs and potions on the market that promise to deliver glowing skin but Jessica claims this can be achieved by looking after your diet.

She recommends avoiding processed food in favour of greens, lean protein, and healthy fat from nuts, seeds and oily fish.

This is because this is where the human body obtains most of its vitamins and minerals that have a key role in skin’s renewal.

As well as consuming the right foods, Jessica makes sure she stays hydrated, which means drinking one and a half to two litres of water every day.

The health conscious nutritionist also believes decreasing stress will help. 

‘I firmly believe it is the number one thing that sabotages our health and beauty. If you feel stressed on the inside, it will show on the outside,’ she said.

She recommends fitting in at least 10 to 20 minutes of downtime every day, which could include yoga, a walk, reading, or some pampering. 

'Zinc is equally important and can be found in eggs, pecans, Brazil nuts, and fresh oysters. Iodine is another must for strong hair and can be found in fish,' she said

‘Zinc is equally important and can be found in eggs, pecans, Brazil nuts, and fresh oysters. Iodine is another must for strong hair and can be found in fish,’ she said

For glowing skin Jessica recommends avoiding processed food in favour of greens, lean protein, and healthy fat from nuts, seeds and oily fish

This is because this is where the human body obtains most of its vitamins and minerals that have a key role in skin's renewal

For glowing skin Jessica recommends avoiding processed food in favour of greens, lean protein, and healthy fat from nuts, seeds and oily fish

As well as consuming the right foods, Jessica makes sure she stays hydrated, which means drinking one and a half to two litres of water every day

As well as consuming the right foods, Jessica makes sure she stays hydrated, which means drinking one and a half to two litres of water every day

For shining eyes

If people want to have a special twinkle in their eye Jessica said they need to detox their body as things like the environment they live in can create ‘dull, cloudy eyes’.  

Jessica recommends that people ensure they are getting plenty of rest, with eight-hours of sleep being a non-negotiable for her.

She also switches off once she’s finished work for the day as when she feels overworked she feels irritable, making it harder to go to bed early. 

If people want to have a special twinkle in their eye Jessica said they need to detox their body as things like the environment they live in can create 'dull, cloudy eyes'

If people want to have a special twinkle in their eye Jessica said they need to detox their body as things like the environment they live in can create ‘dull, cloudy eyes’

Jessica switches off once she's finished work for the day as when she feels overworked she feels irritable, making it harder to go to bed early

Jessica switches off once she's finished work for the day as when she feels overworked she feels irritable, making it harder to go to bed early

Jessica switches off once she’s finished work for the day as when she feels overworked she feels irritable, making it harder to go to bed early

For blemish-free skin

Jessica makes a point of drinking warm water with lemon every day as she said it’s a hydration boost that helps the body with digestion and detoxification, which is an important part of healthy skin. 

The nutritionist ensures she has a healthy gut microbiome, which she achieves through eating wholefoods, limiting her caffeine and keeping a 20 minute gap between eating and drinking.

Her diet also consists of a variety of good facts, such as oily fish, nuts, seeds, olive oil, coconut oil and tahini. 

Jessica makes a point of drinking warm water with lemon every day as she said it's a hydration boost that helps the body with digestion and detoxification, which is an important part of healthy skin 

Jessica makes a point of drinking warm water with lemon every day as she said it’s a hydration boost that helps the body with digestion and detoxification, which is an important part of healthy skin