Nutritionist Susie Burrell has shared the ‘perfect’ day on a plate she swears by to prevent weight gain while at home during the COVID-19 crisis.
The Sydney-based dietitian, founder of Shape Me, offered a glimpse into her diet – and it includes eating up to six times in one day, within reason.
‘As the weeks in ISO start to add up, it is safe to say that the novelty of being at home 24/7 is starting to wear off. It is also likely that the belt or waistband is starting a feel a little tighter after weeks of constant snacking and comfort eating,’ she said.
Australian nutritionist Susie Burrell (pictured) has shared the ‘perfect’ day on a plate she swears by to prevent weight gain during the COVID-19 crisis
She said a meal with 20 to 30 grams of high quality protein with vegetables. Her top pick includes smoked salmon with greens (stock image)
To start the day from 7am, Susie suggested drinking a hot cup of herbal or green tea with lemon the moment you wake up so you feel hydrated with an antioxidant boost.
‘If you exercise early or are hungry, aim to enjoy your first meal by 8am at the latest to reap the metabolic benefits associated with eating a meal first thing,’ she said.
She said a meal with 20 to 30 grams of high quality protein with vegetables can help keep you full and satisfied until lunchtime.
Her top picks include Greek yoghurt with cereal, berries and a green juice; eggs with vegetables and a slice of sourdough, eggs on toast or smoked salmon with greens.
‘This is also the best time to enjoy a milk based coffee to fire up your metabolism – just be sure to choose a small or piccolo size to keep your calories controlled,’ she added.
Susie recommended having an ‘early lunch’ between 11am and 12pm. She recommends a toasted sandwich (stock image)
Susie recommended having an ‘early lunch’ between 11am and 12pm.
‘You are much better to eat an early lunch and avoid snacking throughout the morning than you are to snack on extra calories and then not eat until 2 or 3 in the afternoon,’ she said.
Aim for meals that will keep you full until the late afternoon to curb those hunger pangs and stop the temptation of snacking, Susie said.
She suggested stuffed potatoes with salad or soup, a toasted sandwich with salad or soup or leftovers. After your lunch, have a piece of fruit, yoghurt, berries or a square or two of dark chocolate.
Before dinner, Susie suggested eating a plate of cut up vegetables with a small side of dip or a bowl of soup so you are ‘less likely to indulge at dinner’
Susie said assigning a time to eat your snacks each day between 3pm and 4pm will ‘help keep your overall food intake on track’ and portions under control.
Her recommendations include cheese and crackers, nut spread with fruit or a slice of protein toast with spread.
‘The trick is to then team this with another crunchy, low calorie snack such as vegetable sticks, apple, berries, passionfruit or popcorn to ensure you are full and satisfied and less likely to continually munch through until dinner time,’ she said.
Finish your snack with sparkling soda water with lemon or lime to eliminate your sugar cravings.
For dinner, she suggested having white fish with vegetables (stock image)
From 6pm, Susie warned this is the ‘danger time’ where many will reach for the cheese, chips and wine to ‘differentiate work to home time’.
She suggested eating a plate of cut up vegetables with a small side of dip or a bowl of soup so you are ‘less likely to indulge at dinner’.
Susie said one of the ‘easiest ways’ to prevent weight gain is to keep your dinner between 300 to 400 calories.
Her recommendations include white fish with vegetables, soup, roasted vegetable salad or prawns and zucchini pasta.
‘Sticking to this guide will then allow you to indulge with a little wine or dessert minus weight gain over time that will result if you follow a big meal at night with extra treats while you watch TV,’ she said.
Susie suggested enjoying a cup of tea, a little wine or a piece of chocolate to finish of your day.
‘Having a set meal cut of time will help to control your daily food intake and give you a minimum of 12 hours overnight without food,’ she said.