OAS commission: ‘precautionary measures’ over separated…

OAS commission: ‘precautionary measures’ over separated kids

MEXICO CITY (AP) – The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights says it has granted “precautionary measures” for migrant children separated from their families in the U.S.

The commission warns of “the serious impact of the loss of the link between children and their biological families.”

It requests that the U.S. “protect the rights to family life (and) personal integrity,” among other measures.

Authorities have reunited over 2,000 migrant children with parents or others, including sponsors. Several hundred remain separated.

The precautionary measures came in response to two requests. One was from Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador; the other came from U.S. immigrants’ advocates and attorneys.

The commission said Monday in a statement that it granted the measures Aug. 16.

It is a permanent body of the Washington-based Organization of American States.


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