An obese mother warned by her doctor she’d be dead within five years if she didn’t lose weight has shed 10 stone – but is now having to crowdfund for surgery to remove over a stone of excess skin.
Hannah Castledine, 31, from Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire ballooned to almost 26 stone after heartbreak caused her to scoff multipacks of Twirls and boxes of donuts for breakfast.
But when a doctor told her if she didn’t lose weight she wouldn’t see her 35th birthday, Hannah was shocked into action – fearing that her daughter Isabelle, eight, would be left without a mum.
A strict diet and exercise regime saw her drop 10 stone – but although she’s saved her own life, she is left with an apron of excess skin that rubs and causes infections.
Hannah Castledine, 31, from Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire ballooned to almost 26 stone after heartbreak caused her to scoff multipacks of Twirls and boxes of donuts for breakfast
When a doctor told her if she didn’t lose weight she wouldn’t see her 35th birthday, Hannah was shocked into action and shed 10 stone – but is now left with a lot of painful excess skin
Hannah said: ‘I’m obviously really pleased I am a healthy weight now, but I have to wear two pairs of pants every day – high briefs and shapers – and it’s really uncomfortable.
‘It’s getting to the point now because it’s hot, I’m getting infections on my belly button or between the pelvic bone and my tummy. It doesn’t smell nice, it’s not attractive, and it’s getting sore.
‘I can’t look in the mirror anymore; it’s not nice thinking you actually want to get a knife and do it yourself because it would be quicker. I want it gone, I just don’t like it on me.’
Hannah ditched takeaways and joined Slimming World after her GP’s shocking diagnosis hit home.
Hannah piled on weight by gorging on takeaways and eating chocolate for breakfast, while the only exercise she did was walking her daughter to school. Pictured before
Prior to her weight loss mission, her only exercise would be a two minute walk to take her daughter to school. But Hannah is now very active; she’s joined Clubbercise classes and goes for long walks every day.
Her weight has plummeted to from 25st 12lb to 15st 8lb – including the excess skin- which weighs more than a stone.
Hannah is now trying to raise £12,000 to undergo a skin removal operation.
She said: ‘I have always been big and weight has always been an issue – I kept eating, I was basically eating away my feelings.
‘I went through a relationship break-up at the time and that’s when most of the weight piled on.
Prior to her weight loss mission (pictured), Hannah’s only exercise would be a two minute walk to take her daughter to school
Hannah, pictured during her weight loss journey, said she is really pleased she is a healthy weight now, but she has to wear two pairs of pants every day – high briefs and shapers – and it’s really uncomfortable
‘I would walk my daughter to school, come back home, eat a pack of donuts and sleep till afternoon.
‘I was so unhealthy, I had no energy and I would just eat rubbish all day – no exercise at all.
‘I had no fruit or vegetables; the only vegetable I’d had would probably just be beansprouts in a Chinese takeaway.
‘I looked in the mirror one day and thought, “I don’t want to be single for the rest of my life, if I can’t love me for me then who else is it going to?”
Hannah admitted it was hard at the beginning, especially because she had tried to lose weight in the past and failed, and claimed food was her addiction. But she’s now 10 stone lighter (pictured) and much healthier
‘The doctor told me I wouldn’t make it past 35 and that scared me.
‘My best friend used to walk ahead of me, she wouldn’t walk next to me because she was embarrassed of how heavy I was breathing.
‘She did that out of love and care, to make me realise I needed to lose weight.
‘Everyone around me was telling me I needed to lose weight otherwise I’d die – I would tell them “I’d rather be fat and happy than sad and miserable”.
‘If you have something negative in your life, it takes over a positive; it might be relationship break-up, debt, work loss, or friendship.
‘When you have a food addiction like myself, you feed that addiction and it makes you positive for a while.
‘But something clicked inside me this time, and made me think I am not giving up.
‘I had to think about my daughter, I didn’t want to leave her behind, I wanted to be alive and well and be able to see her succeed in life.’
Hannah admitted it was hard at the beginning, especially because she had tried to lose weight in the past and failed.
Hannah said: ‘Now I can walk for miles, I can touch my toes, I have no pain in my back or feet, I have more energy, and I don’t breathe heavily anymore’
Hannah was spurred into action to lose weight, fearing that her daughter Isabelle, eight, pictured right, would be left without a mum. Pictured now
But as the pounds started to drop off she began to feel more positive.
‘I started to feel better, my clothes would fit better, people started to notice, I was happier because I knew I was doing something for myself,’ she said.
‘Now I can walk for miles, I can touch my toes, I have no pain in my back or feet, I have more energy, and I don’t breathe heavily anymore.’
To donate to Hannah’s cause, visit