A woman who tipped the scales at 30 stone after bingeing on crisps, pizza and takeaway meals has lost a staggering two thirds of her body weight.
Amy Murphy, 27, from Bristol, ‘loved binge eating’, but feared she would be unable to have children due to her size and reveals she was ‘verbally abused’ by strangers she passed on the street.
After deciding ‘enough was enough’, Amy underwent gruelling bariatric surgery and overhauled her diet, enabling her to drop a staggering 18 stone.
Explaining her motivation for losing the weight Amy, who has gone from 30 stone 12 lbs to 12 stone, told FEMAIL: ‘It’s mostly because I want to start a family before I hit 30, and being the weight I was wasn’t healthy.

Amy (left on her 2013 wedding day and right, today) ‘loved binge eating’ but feared she would be unable to have children due to her size and regularly suffered cruel taunts from strangers on the street.

Anna pictured at her heaviest, tipping the scales at 30 stone. She said: ‘Enough was enough. All my friends were getting married after me and having children, and I was the only thing holding my husband and I back from having kids’
‘It was only a matter of time before my weight affected my health. I actually didn’t have anything wrong with me medically… apart from being very large.’
Because of her Chinese heritage and love of the country’s food, the accountant would regularly enjoy large portions of rice and noodles with most of her meals.
Amy recalled: ‘Every time I set foot in public, I was verbally abused. I’d be the butt of a joke, the end of a point-and-laugh, the snigger as I walked past.
‘I [learned] to grow a thick skin, but when you feel like you can’t go out in public because you’re constantly judged, it sucks.
‘One day coming back from college, in a 45-minute bus journey back from town to my house, I was harassed on five separate occasions, with people going as far as to take photos of me or to wind down their windows of the cars and hurl swearing and abuse at me for being the way I was.

Amy at her heaviest. She revealed: ‘It was only a matter of time before my weight affected my health. I actually didn’t have anything wrong with me medically wise apart from being very large’

Amy (pictured on her 213 wedding day) recalled: ‘Every time I set foot in public, I was verbally abused. I’d be the butt of a joke, the end of a point-and-laugh, the snigger as I walked past’

Unhealthy: Because of her Chinese heritage and love of the country’s food, the accountant would regularly enjoy large portions of rice and noodles with most of her meals
![Amy 'I originally started to follow [the guides] to lose weight for my wedding in June 2013' (pictured here on her big day)](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2018/01/12/16/480D630600000578-5262199-image-a-76_1515774472809.jpg)
Amy ‘I originally started to follow [the guides] to lose weight for my wedding in June 2013’ (pictured here on her big day)
‘That day when I got home, my mum offered me [a way out]. She suggested weight loss surgery, which I’d thought about before but never really wanted to commit myself to such a final change. I loved my binge eating, I love the portion sizes.’
She added: ‘Enough was enough. All my friends were getting married after me and having children, and I was the only thing holding my husband and I back from having kids.
‘As soon as I had my surgery I stuck to a high protein, low carb, low fat diet for 14 months. I researched every way possible to make my favourite foods healthier, going paleo for at least 6 months and re-creating famous Malay and Chinese dishes with alternatives.

Amy before dropping the weight (left) and now. She began using LDN Muscle’s training guides in 2013, which helped her to continue losing weight without putting the pounds back on

Fighting fit: Amy (left, with her husband Amy began using LDN Muscle’s online training guides in 2013, which helped her to continue losing weight without putting the pounds back on
‘I was cleared for exercise after 8 weeks and I went back to the gym and worked my a** off. Without fail, I exercised five or more times a week, whether it was weights, cross trainer, rowing, spinning, boxing, circuits, kettle bells. I pushed myself raw, and I love it.’
Amy also began using LDN Muscle’s online training guides in 2013, which helped her to continue losing weight without putting the pounds back on.
She recalled: ‘I originally started to follow [the guides] to lose weight for my wedding in June 2013.

![Amy told MailOnline: 'My husband and my sister have been massive supports. My husband has been hiding the snacks in the house, and eats [healthily] in front of me'](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2018/01/12/16/480D62C800000578-5262199-image-a-81_1515774493461.jpg)
Amy shows off her new trim physique. She told MailOnline: ‘My husband and my sister have been massive supports. My husband has been hiding the snacks in the house, and eats [healthily] in front of me’
![Describing the support she's had for her loved ones, Amy said: 'My sister has been joining me in the gym and came with me when I first started to run in May 2017. Now we run [5km and 10km races] together'](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2018/01/12/16/480D62DC00000578-5262199-image-a-82_1515774496960.jpg)
Describing the support she’s had for her loved ones, Amy said: ‘My sister has been joining me in the gym and came with me when I first started to run in May 2017. Now we run [5km and 10km races] together’

Hard work: Newly-slim Amy is now following the LDNM Cutting Guide as she embarks on the next phase of her fitness journey – after dropping an incredible 18 stone
‘I lost 6 stone in six months, but then I put it all back on and more after the wedding because my appetite got the better of me and I didn’t train as hard, dropping from training five times a week at the gym to just once a week.
‘My husband and my sister have been massive supports. My husband has been hiding the snacks in the house, and eats [healthily] in front of me.
‘My sister has been joining me in the gym and came with me when I first started to run in May 2017. Now we run [5km and 10km races] together.’
Amy is currently following the LDNM Cutting Guide as she embarks on the next phase of her fitness journey.