The biggest bombshell in Omarosa Manigault-Newman’s book may not be that she secretly recorded President Donald Trump during her White House contacts with him.
In ‘Unhinged,’ available to the public next Tuesday, she backs up unproven reports that there are outtake-tapes of the then-future president using the n-word ‘several times’ on the set of ‘The Apprentice.’
Omarosa, who launched her famous-for-being-famous career on the strength of her pugnacious persona on the show, became an outspoken Trump critic after she served as a spokeswoman for the White House’s Office of Public Liaison. She landed a seven-figure book deal this year.
Her knowledge of the tapes is based on a trio of sources the she doesn’t name in the book. But she writes that she personally witnessed the president using a pair of racial slurs againt senior aide Kellyanne Conway’s half-Filipino husband George.
‘Would you look at this George Conway article?’ she quotes Trump as saying, according to The Guardian. ‘F***ing FLIP! Disloyal! F***ing Goo-goo.’
Omarosa Manigault-Newman claims in her new book that there are tapes of Donald Trump using the ‘n-word,’ but she isn’t saying she’s ever heard them personally

Omarosa made more pedestrian recordings of Trump on her own while she worked in the West Wing, but insists the white-whale tape is out there somewhere

Omarosa is launching a book tour, saying that she heard Trump denigrate Kellyanne Conway’s half-Filipino husband (back row, right) with a racial slur
George Conway dismissed the story as ‘absurd’ on Friday morning.
‘The allegation is not credible, and indeed is ridiculous, particularly in light of the timing of her departure from the White House—December 12, 2017. It’s absurd all around,’ he wrote.
It was months later that he emerged as a steadfast and reliable Trump critic on Twitter despite his wife’s loyalty and devotion to the president.
It’s unclear what set Trump off, but one of Mr. Conway’s earlier rhetorical slaps may provide a suggestion.
In a June 2017 tweet the Yale Law School grad berated the president for defending his travel ban, and said it would make it harder for the Office of Solicitor General to find 5 Supreme Court justices to green-light it.

Omarosa is the latest former Trump aide to land a book deal, and it promises to be both juicy and controversial
‘These tweets may make some ppl feel better,’ he wrote, ‘but they certainly won’t help OSG get 5 votes in SCOTUS, which is what actually mattres. Sad.’
A year later the high court did side with Trump on the divisive issue, by a 5-4 margin.
Omarosa’s unceremonious December 2017 firing will be a telling asterisk as she launches a media tour this weekend with an interview on the set of ‘Meet the Press.’
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly threw her overboard after he learned she was using the White House’s car service – meant for the use of outside VIP guests – as a personal pick-up and drop-off chaufferur for her daily commute.
She claims in her book that she was shown the door because senior aides believed she was close to getting her hands on an ‘n-word’ recording – even though her employment status would be of little consequence if she had found one.
And while she writes that she made her own personal recordings of the president inside the White House, her knowledge of him denigrating African-Americans is based on secondhand accounds.
According to Omarosa, she was contacted during the 2016 campaign by a source who claimed to have the recording.

George Conway may have set Trump off with tweets like this on in June 2017, in which he berated the president for defending his travel ban and said it would make it harder for the Office of Solicitor General to find 5 Supreme Court justices to green-light it

The Conways are pictured during an October 30, 2017 Halloween event at the White House
‘By that point, three sources in three separate conversations had described the contents of this tape,’ she writes. ‘They all told me that President Trump hadn’t just dropped a single N-word bomb. He’d said it multiple times throughout the show’s taping during off-camera outtakes, particularly during the first season of The Apprentice.’
She herself appeared in that seasonbut doesn’t claim to have heard it.
‘I need to hear it for myself,’ said Trump aide Hope Hicks said when she raised the isse, in Omarosa’s telling, asking her over and over for progress updates. The white-whale recording never materialized.
‘I was told exactly what Donald Trump said – yes, the N-word and others in a classic Trump-goes-nuclear rant – and when he’s said them. During production he was miked, and there is definitely an audio track,’ she writes now.
Rumors of a buried Trump ‘n-word’ recording predate his 2015 entry into presidential politics, and his case won’t be helped by the infamous ‘Access Hollywood’ tape of him bragging that famous men like him can easily take sexual liberties with unwilling women.
Omarosa’s personal smartphone recordings of Trump feature ordinary chatter, suggesting that she didn’t witness him saying anything at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue that was explosive or damning enough to make news.

In the book Omarosa describes how she and Ivanka Trump tried to rid the White House of leakers
But the tell-all book will infuriate the president, who reacted with anger when it was revealed his former personal attorney Michael Cohen recorded some of their conversations.
Omarosa describes an attempt by herself and Ivanka Trump to rid the White House of leakers. Short-lived White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci led the effort.
‘Along with his comms directorship, Scaramucci had a secondary job. He was apparently the hired hit man,’ Manigault writes, according to the Daily Beast.
‘Very low-key, Ivanka [Trump] went around to the original Trumpers, the loyal soldiers, and asked the team to compile a list of suspected leakers. I’d already said my piece about [deputy chief of staff] Katie Walsh directly to Donald, and she’d been let go. But Ivanka wanted a new list and, once she had it, she would give it to Scaramucci, so he could fire them all. The final list that was texted to me on July 22 had ten names on it.’

Trump has been flattering of the former ‘Apprentice’ star in the past, while acknowledging her tough reputation
She lists those staff as: Vanessa Morrone, Lindsay Walters, Janet Montesi, Raj Shah, Kelly Sadler, Lara Barger, Ory Rinat, Kate Karnes, Michael Short, and Jessica Ditto.
A White House official with knowledge of situation alleged in comments to that since Scaramucci needed to come up with a list of names, he arbitrarily chose staffers – no matter their seniority or access – who had worked at the Republican National Committee.
Not all of them were RNC alumni, however, including Ditto.
Scaramucci was fired after 11 days.
Trump has been flattering of Omarosa in the past, while acknowledging her tough reputation.
‘Honest Omarosa: she won’t backstab-she’ll come at you from the front,’ he tweeted on March 10, 2013.
And he wrote a few days earlier on March 3: ‘I’ll always like @Omarosa because she constantly defends me.’
Finally, on March 3 he wrote: ‘Are people really afraid of @Omarosa. Would you be?’
In an exclusive excerpt obtained by, Omarosa, 44, tells of the dread she felt while watching Trump’s May 2017 interview with Lester Holt.
‘While watching the interview I realized that something real and serious was going on in Donald’s brain. His mental decline could not be denied,’ she writes.
‘Many didn’t notice it as keenly as I did because I knew him way back when. They thought Trump was being Trump, off the cuff. But I knew something wasn’t right.’

Omarosa claims in ‘Unhinged’ that she thought Trump was off his rocker during a 2017 interview with NBC News anchor Lester Holt
‘For the Lester Holt interview, I watched it on a small TV in the upper press room (the lower press room was built on top of the old swimming pool and turned into the briefing room) by the press secretary’s office,’ she writes.
‘Throughout this erratic and contradictory interview, I kept thinking, ‘Oh no! Oh no! This is bad!
‘Donald rambled. He spoke gibberish. He contradicted himself from one sentence to the next.
‘Hope [Hicks, then communications director] had gone over the briefing with him a dozen times hitting the key point that he had fired Comey based on the recommendation by the DOJ which the vice president and other surrogates had been reinforcing for days.’
But when questioned by Holt, the president contradicted previous reports about how the senior law-enforcement officer was dispatched from his office.