Our dream neighbour? Sir David Attenborough, naturally! Blue Planet presenter beats Mary Berry and Stephen Fry as the Briton we would most like to live next door
- Singer Ed Sheeran was ranked fourth in the survey of 2,000 people polled
- The performer was number one among those who were aged from 18 to 24
- Emma Watson, Lorraine Kelly and JK Rowling all featured in the poll’s top 10
With an array of delectable baked goods always ready on her table, having Mary Berry as a neighbour would be a treat for the taste buds – if not your waistline.
But it seems our hunger for knowledge outweighs that for cake, as Sir David Attenborough has pipped Miss Berry to the post to be voted Britain’s most desirable neighbour.
The 92-year-old naturalist narrowly beat Miss Berry, 83, with presenter Stephen Fry coming third.
Sir David Attenborough has pipped Miss Berry to the post to be voted Britain’s most desirable neighbour

The 92-year-old naturalist narrowly beat Miss Berry, 83, with presenter Stephen Fry coming third
Singer Ed Sheeran was ranked fourth by the 2,000 people polled by GoCompare, although he was the number one among those aged 18-24, followed by Sir David and boxer Anthony Joshua.
Luther star Idris Elba came fifth overall, with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Adele, Harry Potter star Emma Watson, Lorraine Kelly and JK Rowling completing the top ten.