Owen Wilson may want to consider increasing security around his house.
The actor, 54, who is starring in the upcoming Haunted Mansion, was away from his residence when a homeless man allegedly broke into the house, rummaged around, and put on a pair of the Loki star’s pajamas.
Police say the intrusion was discovered when Owen’s assistant happened upon the suspect, according to TMZ.
Both the assistant and the intruder ran in different directions out of the home after coming face to face.
Owen’s assistant called 911, and officers discovered the suspect in a nearby yard.
Burglary: Owen Wilson, 54, was away from home when an intruder entered his home and allegedly took a shower and stole a pair of his pajamas. Owen’s assistant ran into the suspect and called police. The man has been charged with felony burglary (Pictured in March in Los Angeles)
He has been booked on felony burglary charges.
The news comes after the Marry Me star joined forces with Dennis Quaid, Glen Powell, Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey in a PSA promoting more film projects in their native Texas through state tax incentives.
The commercial starts out with Dennis, 69, walking into the frame leading a horse and wearing an Old West sheriff’s outfit.
‘Hey there, I’m Dennis Quaid from Houston, Texas,’ the actor said.
A quick cut shows Owen wearing a brown leather jacket, a navy blue T-shirt with a navy blue and white bandana around his neck and a baseball cap saying, I’m proud to be from Texas.’
Woody, 61, sporting a gray sweater and a beige Panama hat, pipes in claiming ‘I love my home state of Texas.’
Billy Bob Thornton, 67, is sitting calmly in a chair, wearing a black jacket of a blue plaid shirt and a black hat over a bandana, explaining, ‘I’m not from from Texas, but I played Davey Crockett.’
The scene cuts to Matthew, 53, wearing a light blue linen shirt, with his hand on his hip telling fans, ‘We love our home state of Texas.’

Star power: Wilson has joined with fellow actors Dennis Quaid, Woody Harrelson, Matthew McConaughey and Glen Powell to lobby for more funding to provide incentives for films and TV shows to be filmed in their native Texas

PSA: The commercial starts out with Dennis, 69, walking into the frame leading a horse and wearing an Old West sheriff’s outfit. ‘Hey there, I’m Dennis Quaid from Houston, Texas,’ the actor said

Not from Texas: Billy Bob Thornton, 67, is sitting calmly in a chair, wearing a black jacket of a blue plaid shirt and a black hat over a bandana, explaining, ‘I’m not from from Texas, but I played Davey Crockett’
Glen, 34, donning a brown jacket and burnt orange button down shirt, comes on camera, explaining the reason for the virtual gathering.
‘What we really love, is making movies here.’
The rest of the spot is interspersed with the actors as they explain the reason for the message. ‘With its various and iconic landscapes and incredible talent, Texas looks good up on the big screen.’
‘Texas used to have a great incentive program that brought hundreds of great movies and shows, and thousands of jobs for hardworking folks, and hundreds of millions of dollars to the Lone Star state.’
‘Unfortunately, over the years, the funding became less and less, because some people were lead to believe that money was only going into the pockets of big wig California movie producers and high priced Hollywood actors…’

Love: Matthew, 53, wearing a light blue linen shirt, with his hand on his hip telling fans, ‘We love our home state of Texas.’ He later explained that due to lack of incentives from the state, these folks, they film elsewhere, and to be honest, that doesn’t really sit right with me ‘

Economy: Woody maintains, ‘This is not a Hollywood welfare program to pay for private jets and privileged lifestyles back in California.’ The group maintains that ‘Every dollar spent in incentives puts five dollars back into the Texas economy’
Matthew comes on camera, raises his hand and says ‘Like me,’ after which Owen, Dennis, Billy Bob, Woody and Glen join in each saying ‘and me.’
‘But that wasn’t true. Now the films and shows, all those jobs, all that positive economic growth for the economy of Texas, it’s migrating to states like New Mexico, Louisiana, Georgia and…’
Billy Bob comes back on camera and says with a hesitant stutter, ‘don’t make me say it… oak… Oklahoma,’ referring to the state’s biggest rival. Woody and Owen echo with their own ‘Oklahoma?’
Dennis comes into the frame and continues, ‘in fact, shows that are supposed to be set right here in Texas are finding it hard to get the resources the need to begin filming. ‘
‘So,’ adds Matthew, ‘these folks, they film elsewhere, and to be honest, that doesn’t really sit right with me. ‘
The rest of the group follows with their own ‘Or me.’
Matthew continues, ‘But thankfully, the Texas legislature has brought new bipartisan film legislation up for votes later this month.’
Glenn returns explaining, ‘So that this time, we Texans can take back what we used to have and bring movies and jobs back to Texas.’
Woody maintains, ‘This is not a Hollywood welfare program to pay for private jets and privileged lifestyles back in California.’ Matthew, joined in claiming, ‘No, this legislation is about Texas jobs.’ Dennis finishes the sentence, ‘And showcasing our great state on the big screen.’
The round robin continues with the message, ‘Filming in Texas is good for local economies and creates real Texas jobs. Not just for actors, directors and screenwriters, [but] Texas based electricians, drivers, carpenters, makeup artists, hair stylists, hotel staff, folks in the restaurant and hospitality industry, parking valets, contract workers, they all benefit from this incentive program. Not just for the big cities, but for little towns, like Stephenville, here.’
Dennis, who has been working on season two of 1883 there, helped spearhead the effort, according to the Dallas Morning News.
The celebs contend that the current legislation will bring, ‘almost two billion impact on the Texas economy,’ and they invited some Texas-based folks in production to add their two cents worth, along with restauranters, caterers and hotel managers.
‘Every dollar spent in incentives puts five dollars back into the Texas economy.’ the cast claims.
They then invited their fans to take action.

Glenn, 34, explained, ‘We Texans can take back what we used to have and bring movies and jobs back to Texas,’ contending that Texas-based electricians, drivers, carpenters, makeup artists, hair stylists, hotel staff, and others will benefit from projects in the state

Oklahoma?: The PSA used some humor to explain that movie and TV projects were filming in other states where they received more generous incentives, including the state’s main rival, Oklahoma

Call to action: Dennis has spearheaded the effort, according to the Dallas Morning News. He and the other A-listers encouraged their fellow Texans to call or e-mail their state representatives to encourage them to vote for the pending legislation
‘So do us all a favor, will you, and call or e-mail your state representative or state senator and tell them to support funding for Texas film. We’re not trying to be controversial or throw anyone under the bus, except maybe Oklahoma, we just want the chance to film great things here in Texas. It’s good for Texas.’
Dennis closes out the PSA atop a horse saying ‘I’ll see you on the set,’ as he rides off into the sunset.
Lawmakers have 19 bills on the topic to consider before the legislative session ends May 29.
The bills have drawn support on both sides of the aisle and seems to have some support from Gov. Greg Abbott, who released a statement saying ,’The Governor looks forward to working with the Legislature this session to keep Texas’ film industry among the most competitive in the world.
One Republican lawmaker who voted against the legislation tweeted he would, ‘never understand how Republicans think this stuff is an appropriate use of tax dollars, particularly since the film industry hates our values and everything we stand for. Let them pay for their own left-wing propaganda.’
Read more at DailyMail.co.uk