Paradise island in the Bahamas could be yours for $20m

An island in the Bahamas once owned by a speedboat-racing champion and cross-dressing heiress has gone on sale for $20 million (£14.4m).  

Whale Cay, a 710-acre paradise in the Berry Islands, was once treated as a personal fiefdom by Marion Barbara ‘Joe’ Carstairs, the inheritor of the enormous Standard Oil fortune.    

Born in Mayfair in 1900, Marion became Joe during the First World War when she began wearing men’s clothes while driving ambulances for the Red Cross. 

Whale Cay, a 710-acre paradise in the Berry Islands, was once treated as a personal fiefdom by Marion Barbara ‘Joe’ Carstairs, the inheritor of the enormous Standard Oil fortune

Born in Mayfair in 1900, Marion became Joe during the First World War when she began wearing men's clothes while driving ambulances for the Red Cross

Marlene Dietrich, with whom she reportedly enjoyed an affair

Born in Mayfair in 1900, Marion (left) became Joe during the First World War when she began wearing men’s clothes while driving ambulances for the Red Cross. Right: Marlene Dietrich, with whom she reportedly enjoyed an affair 

Among the guests to have come to Whale Cay were Prince Edward and his wife Wallis Simpson. Pictured: One of the properties on the island 

Among the guests to have come to Whale Cay were Prince Edward and his wife Wallis Simpson. Pictured: One of the properties on the island 

The island comes with 12 miles of shoreline and has 13 beautifully white beaches. It also has its own lighthouse, school, airstrip and even cannery

The island comes with 12 miles of shoreline and has 13 beautifully white beaches. It also has its own lighthouse, school, airstrip and even cannery

Queen Joe once reportedly held a group of American tourists prisoner in her island's lighthouse after they turned up unexpectedly before releasing them the next day. Pictured: An aerial view of the lighthouse 

Queen Joe once reportedly held a group of American tourists prisoner in her island’s lighthouse after they turned up unexpectedly before releasing them the next day. Pictured: An aerial view of the lighthouse 

Though Dietrich was considered the love of her life, Joe had a more enduring partner - her foot-tall doll called Lord Tod Wadley that she decked out in Saville Row clothes. Pictured: A path down to one of the beaches on the island 

Though Dietrich was considered the love of her life, Joe had a more enduring partner – her foot-tall doll called Lord Tod Wadley that she decked out in Saville Row clothes. Pictured: A path down to one of the beaches on the island 

Famously saying she ‘came out of the womb queer’, Joe was known for smoking cigars, carrying her precious toy doll around with her and covering her arms with tattoos. 

She also enjoyed a series of flings with high-profile women, including Oscar Wilde’s niece Dolly, Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich. 

When she bought the island in 1934, she declared herself ‘Queen of Whale Cay’ and became its demanding monarch. 

She often dressed in naval uniforms and ruled over her ‘people’ – who called her ‘boss’ – with an iron fist. 

Among the guests to have come to Whale Cay were Prince Edward and his wife Wallis Simpson.

Queen Joe once reportedly held a group of American tourists prisoner in her island’s lighthouse after they turned up unexpectedly before releasing them the next day. 

Famously saying she 'came out of the womb queer', Joe was known for smoking cigars, carrying her precious toy doll around with her and covering her arms with tattoos. Pictured: Her island 

Famously saying she ‘came out of the womb queer’, Joe was known for smoking cigars, carrying her precious toy doll around with her and covering her arms with tattoos. Pictured: Her island 

When she bought the island in 1934, she declared herself 'Queen of Whale Cay' and became its demanding monarch. Pictured: One of the buildings on the property 

When she bought the island in 1934, she declared herself ‘Queen of Whale Cay’ and became its demanding monarch. Pictured: One of the buildings on the property 

Joe often dressed in naval uniforms and ruled over her 'people' - who called her 'boss' - with an iron fist. Pictured: A hammock in the shade on one of the island's beaches 

Joe often dressed in naval uniforms and ruled over her ‘people’ – who called her ‘boss’ – with an iron fist. Pictured: A hammock in the shade on one of the island’s beaches 

Joe moved to Florida after selling her island dominion in 1975 and was cremated along with Lord Tod when she died in the Sunshine State in 1993, aged 93

Joe moved to Florida after selling her island dominion in 1975 and was cremated along with Lord Tod when she died in the Sunshine State in 1993, aged 93

Pictured: The path to your dream home in the Bahamas - which could be all yours for only $20 million 

Pictured: The path to your dream home in the Bahamas – which could be all yours for only $20 million 

Though Dietrich was considered the love of her life, Joe had a more enduring partner – her foot-tall doll called Lord Tod Wadley that she decked out in Saville Row clothes. 

She moved to Florida after selling her island dominion in 1975 and was cremated along with Lord Tod when she died in the Sunshine State in 1993, aged 93.

According to 7th Heaven Properties, the island comes with 12 miles of shoreline and has 13 beautifully white beaches.

It also has its own lighthouse, school, airstrip and even cannery.