Kyle Plush walks across parking lot to his van and enters the vehicle through sliding driver’s side rear door.
3.05pm: Plush is seen outside his SUV for the final time. He approaches the car and gets in. He would never get out
Two people walk to a red sedan parked two spots south of Plush’s vehicle. They stand at the rear of the vehicle for approximately 20 seconds before entering the vehicle

3.12pm: Two people are seen getting into a red sedan right next to Plush’s SUV. They stood there for 20 seconds , but couldn’t hear his desperate banging
The red sedan backs out of the parking space and travels southbound through the parking lot.
Plush then makes his first 911 call. Operator Magee answers the call. The sound quality was muffled and Mr Plush seemed some distance from the telephone. Magee heard Plush state ‘Seven Hills’ but did not know what he meant.
Magee attempted to communicate with Plush, but he did not respond to any questions. The call lasted approximately two minutes, fifty-six seconds, and was disconnected by Plush at approximately 3:17pm.
A person walks past Plush’s van.

3.16pm: A person is seen walking past the teenager’s SUV just 10 minutes after he got into the car
Magee then had two other 911 operators (Harris and Dooley) listen to the call while Magee attempted to determine Plush’s location
Harris heard Plush, whom she believed to be an elderly female, state ‘Help me I’m going to die. I’m in a van at Seven Hills (inaudible) shop.’
Magee attempted to call back, but the call was answered by voicemail. Magee issued a Phase II to determine a better location.
When the address returned to Seven Hills School on Red Bank Road, Harris was familiar with the Thrift Store at Seven Hills School.
Harris instructed Magee to enter the Thrift Store information into the CAD entry.
Magee entered an incident into the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system for an unknown trouble to 5471 Red Bank Road.
At approximately 3:18pm, Magee made a return call to Plush’s telephone, The call was answered by voicemail, with the message, “Hello this is Kyle…” Per ECS standard operating procedure, Magee disconnected the call.
The driver of a gray sport utility vehicle parked in the parking space immediately south of Plush’s van returns to his vehicle.
A second person arrives at the gray sport utility vehicle.

3.19pm: A motorist parks into the space right next to Plush’s vehicle. They don’t suspect anything is wrong
The gray sport utility vehicle backs out of the parking space and travels southbound through the parking lot.
Two persons walk past Plush’s van and enter a dark color sedan parked on the east side of the parking lot.

3.21pm: Two people are seen walking to a black sedan parked near Plush’s vehicle
Officers Brian Brazile and Edsel Osborn, Unit 2232, were dispatched to 5471 Red Band Road.
The dispatcher advised officers the call taker heard a female stating, “Help me, I’m stuck inside my van. I’m in Seven Hills parking lot.” The locatoin was from Phase II. The complainant kept stating she was unable to hear the call taker and hung up. Voicemail on callback. Possibly in the thrift store parking lot across from the school.
The dark color sedan backs out of the parking space and travels soutbouth through the parking lot.

The sedan then backs out of the space. The same minute police were dispatched to look for the trapped teenager
Diustrict Two unit #2232 drives south on Red Bank Road, arriving at 3:26pm. At least 25 vehicles remain in the upper lot.

3.29pm: The moment a patrol car drove right past the teen’s SUV as he lay trapped
Two persons walk past Plush’s van and enter a black SUVC parked three spaces to the north.
Hamilton County Sheriff’s deputy Allen walks into the intersection and directs traffic.
911 Operator Smith answers a second 911 call from Plush and heard what she believed to be a woman say ‘Siri, Siri’ Smith attempted to engage the caller, now known to be Plush, in conversation but there was no response.
Smith treated the call as a ‘silent call’
Smith then muted her headset microphone and activated the TeleTypewriter (TTY) function through the telephone system.
The TTy function sends a signal used for hearing impaired individuals and sounds familiar to a fax machine.
Smith stated she did not hear any communication for the entirety of the call.
Smith attempted to initiate a Phase II to identify the caller’s location.
The CAD system at Smith’s workstation was periodically frozen. The map of the location did not appear on the CAD screen
Smith stated she experienced CAD connection difficulties throughout the call.
Smith looked up the caller’s number through the call screen, which indicated that this telephone number was attached to na earlier CAD incident.
Smith briefly regained CAD connection located the prior incident, and observed that the incident was closed. Once an incident is closed, the call taker is unable to add any comments to that incident.
Smith disconnected the call and immediately called the number back. The call was answered by voicemail, and Smith disconnected the call.
Since the earlier CAD incident was closed, Smith attempted to enter the information into a new CAd incident as an ‘advised’ incident, but the system froze again. Smith clicked on the ‘exit/save’ button, and assumed the information she entered was eventually accepted by the CAD system.
Smith continued to take 911 calls, and continued to experience CAD connection problems. Smith’s CAD connection shut down and she began completing Manual Dispatch Cards.
Smith observed that other workstations experienced CAD connection problems.
The black SUV parked three spaces north of Plush’s van backs out of the parking space and travels southbound through the parking lot.

A black SUV is seen pulling out from a space three away from Plush’s SUV
Deputy Allen walks south on Red Bank Road out of camera view.

Deputy Allen is seen walking
District Two unit #2232 is observed driving through upper parking lot, to the south of Plush’s van.

One of the patrol cars is seen driving past Plush’s van to the south
Magee answers a non-emergency 911 call from Deputy Allen.
Deputy Allen called to Determine if any additional information was available regarding the ‘unknown trouble’ incident. Magee informed Allen that nothing was found by officers assigned to the incident.
Deputy Allen told Magee that he had checked the area and found nothing; he informed Magee that he would continue checking.
At some point after call:
Distrct Two unit #2232 pulls into the upper parking lot next to the Thrift Store. The cruiser then drives through the upper parking lot and the two eventually come across Deputy Allen.
The cruiser is then seen pulling away while Deputy Allen comtinues to walk through the lot. The cruiser then pulls out onto Red Bank Road and drives south.
Deputy Allen looks into a white van parked in on the west side of the parking lot (not Plush’s gold Honda Odyssey).
Shortly before 9pm
Plush’s father finds his son’s body in the SUV

Plush’s Honda Odyssey was towed from the scene after he was found on Tuesday night by his father