Parents reveal the reasons behind their children’s biggest tantrums

Long-suffering parents have taken to social media to share the most ridiculous reasons their children have thrown tantrums.

In a new gallery compiled by Bored Panda exasperated mothers and fathers have  posted hilarious Snapchats of their little ones’ bizarre meltdowns.

One amused parent revealed her son broke down in hysterics because she wouldn’t let him eat the pregnancy test she was taking. 

Meanwhile another mother shared a snap of her distraught toddler with make-up smeared over her face, explaining the little girl was less than happy at being told to stop using her cosmetics. 

Unusually one little lady was inconsolable when her sister would not join her on the toilet in another hilarious snap.

Whether they make you laugh or cringe these photos prove that parents have the patience of a saint.  

Terrible twos? One amused parent revealed her son broke down in hysterics because she wouldn’t let him eat a pregnancy test she was taking, in series of snaps shared to Bored Panda

A mother shared a snap of her distraught toddler with make-up smeared over her face, explaining the little girl was less than happy at being told to stop using her cosmetics

A mother shared a snap of her distraught toddler with make-up smeared over her face, explaining the little girl was less than happy at being told to stop using her cosmetics

One mother revealed her little girl was inconsolable when she wouldn't let her chew on a tampon found in her purse

One mother revealed her little girl was inconsolable when she wouldn’t let her chew on a tampon found in her purse

This little fellow was enraged when he wasn't allowed to dip his fingers in his parent's hot coffee cup

This little fellow was enraged when he wasn’t allowed to dip his fingers in his parent’s hot coffee cup

This little girl was left unimpressed when the 'people on the plane in the sky wouldn't wave back at her'

This little girl was left unimpressed when the ‘people on the plane in the sky wouldn’t wave back at her’

A frustrated mother revealed this little one was less than impressed when she was told to stop her unhygienic habit

A frustrated mother revealed this little one was less than impressed when she was told to stop her unhygienic habit

One little lady was inconsolable when her sister would not join her in a toilet session, in a series of hilarious snaps 

One little lady was inconsolable when her sister would not join her in a toilet session, in a series of hilarious snaps 

This little girl could not get over being told not to eat the dog's tail, in this adorable picture shared by her parent

This little girl could not get over being told not to eat the dog’s tail, in this adorable picture shared by her parent

This little lady just couldn't understand why her mother's shoes wouldn't fit her in this tear-filled picture

This little lady just couldn’t understand why her mother’s shoes wouldn’t fit her in this tear-filled picture

All mine! One clean-conscious little lady was inconcolable when a fly she apparently left in the house landed on her plate

All mine! One clean-conscious little lady was inconcolable when a fly she apparently left in the house landed on her plate

A cruel trick! This little lad clearly did not want his five a day after discovering his caramel apple was made from... an actual apple

A cruel trick! This little lad clearly did not want his five a day after discovering his caramel apple was made from… an actual apple

'Her banana broke and so she had a breakdown too': A bemused mother said of this hilarious picture

‘Her banana broke and so she had a breakdown too’: A bemused mother said of this hilarious picture

This grumpy little one didn't want to stand up or sit down, instead opting to have a meltdown on the floor

This grumpy little one didn’t want to stand up or sit down, instead opting to have a meltdown on the floor

Who needs clothes anyway? This little lady couldn't understand why her parents wouldn't let her go outside without pants and shoes

Who needs clothes anyway? This little lady couldn’t understand why her parents wouldn’t let her go outside without pants and shoes

Indecisive much? Cohen just couldn't decide whether he loved or hated his pink bus but it certainly stressed him out

Indecisive much? Cohen just couldn’t decide whether he loved or hated his pink bus but it certainly stressed him out

He was just being polite! One little man was filled with rage when his mother dared to take a bite from the pretzel he offered her

He was just being polite! One little man was filled with rage when his mother dared to take a bite from the pretzel he offered her

No hot sauce in her bag? This little lady had developed a strange craving for a pre-bedtime drink- much to her mother's horror

No hot sauce in her bag? This little lady had developed a strange craving for a pre-bedtime drink- much to her mother’s horror

Co-pooping was evidently a theme here, with this little one inconsolable when he wasn't allowed to watch his father use the lavatory

Co-pooping was evidently a theme here, with this little one inconsolable when he wasn’t allowed to watch his father use the lavatory

He was only trying to help! A mother revealed her son was less than happy at not being allowed to unload knives from the dishwasher

He was only trying to help! A mother revealed her son was less than happy at not being allowed to unload knives from the dishwasher

No-reo! A little girl just couldn't understand why there was frosting on both sides of her Oreo cookie

No-reo! A little girl just couldn’t understand why there was frosting on both sides of her Oreo cookie

In other strange requests one little girl threw the mother of tantrums when she was barred from grabbing her poor pet dog's private parts

In other strange requests one little girl threw the mother of tantrums when she was barred from grabbing her poor pet dog’s private parts

This little boy had perhaps developed an early taste for wine and could not understand why he wasn't allowed to dip his tooth brush in his mother's tipple

This little boy had perhaps developed an early taste for wine and could not understand why he wasn’t allowed to dip his tooth brush in his mother’s tipple

Unusual cravings? This little man's tantrum developed when his parents refused to let the fellow 'eat rocks'

Unusual cravings? This little man’s tantrum developed when his parents refused to let the fellow ‘eat rocks’