Parents should ditch phones for ‘at least two hours before bedtime’ to set example for children

Parents are being urged to ditch mobile phones and iPads before going to bed to set an example for their children, a government adviser warns.

They should turn their phones off before going to bed, leave technology out of the bedroom and restrict internet access at home.

Ian Bauckham, who advises ministers on reforms to sex and relationships education, told the Daily Telegraph that parents should be stricter with children on the use of technology.

Parents are being urged to restrict internet access at home and leave technology out of the bedroom to set a good example to children. file photo

The former headteacher said all computers should be switched off ‘at least two hours before bedtime’.

He also said internet access, particularly on mobile phones, should not be allowed in bedrooms, and that all mobile phones should be left on the kitchen table when families go to bed.

 Government adviser Ian Bauckham advised parents to lead by example and get involved with their children's use of technology. File photo

 Government adviser Ian Bauckham advised parents to lead by example and get involved with their children’s use of technology. File photo

Mr Bauckham advised parents to lead by example and get involved with their children’s use of technology.

He said they should ‘allow a period where phones and computers can be used, but strictly demarcate that in the family routine’.

Mr Bauckham warned that increased use of social media was making teenagers more isolated.

He said: ‘Psychologically, mentally, emotionally, I think they are probably more fragile than they have been for generations.

‘That’s because of unregulated exposure to the internet: porn, social media, all the risky aspects.’

Mr Bauckham also said schools should engage with parents to promote more responsible use of technology.