The majority of people having affairs continue to sleep with their partner as well as their bit on the side, new research reveals.
The survey revealed that two-thirds of cheaters are bold enough to have sex with their regular partners.
Four in ten (41 per cent) unfaithful partners say they make love to their spouses more often because the excitement of the affairs heightens their sex drive.
Meanwhile a third (33 per cent) were keen to maintain the regular sexual routine at home so as not to raise suspicion.
But only a fifth of adulterers (22 per cent) tell their lovers that they are continuing to have sex at home.
New research has revealed that two thirds of adulterers continue to sleep with their partner as well as their lover during an affair (file image)
The results were revealed in a new survey of 1,000 adulterers by Illicit Encounters, Britain’s leading dating site for married people.
It found that 64 per cent of adulterers kept up the same sexual routine with their partners at home.
A fifth (21 per cent) had less sex with their spouses because of the affair, but only 15 per cent abstained from sex at home altogether.
Of those 15 per cent, most had stopped having sex with their spouses even before the affair had started.
Women are more likely than men to maintain sexual relations with their spouse to cover up their cheating.
Seven out of ten women (69 per cent) continue to have sex with their husbands while cheating. Slightly fewer men (63 per cent) still make love to their wives while also sleeping with their lover.

Cheaters keep up their sex routine at home in the hope of avoiding suspicion with only 15 per cent abstaining all together
Three-quarters of respondents (74 per cent) said that sex with their lover was better than with their regular partner.
And two-thirds (62 per cent) said they tried more adventurous sex with their lovers when they went to bed. spokesman Christian Grant said: ‘What this new research shows is that people start having affairs to add some excitement to their lives.
‘They are almost certainly still having sex with their spouses but it has become a little dull and routine.
‘The excitement of the affairs makes them betters lovers – not just with the person they are cheating with but with their spouse at home.
‘An affair can actually reinvigorate a marriage by making people reassess their behaviour and address long-standing issues with their partners.’