Pictured: The moment a black bear wonders into a liquor store but one customer doesn’t even notice

Residents of Bristol, Connecticut got quite the grisly shock on Monday afternoon when a black bear wondered into their local liquor store.

Staff members at Crazy Bruce’s Liquors were forced to act fast as the mid-sized creature made its way across a parking lot in broad daylight and into the foyer of the business.

During one shocking moment in the security footage, the venue almost accidentally invites the animal inside when an automatic door opens due to the hairy visitor triggering a sensor at the entrance.

This is the moment a black bear unsuspectingly wonders into Crazy Bruce’s Liquor store in Bristol, Connecticut on Monday. Onlookers thought it was a ‘big dog’

Those inside the building managed to avoid any potential danger by closing an inner door to stop the bear from strolling inside any further.

A video from 2pm shows the unlikely encounter take place with most customers and employees managing to steer clear of the area.

One person stopping by to pick up a purchase, however, did wonder into the danger zone within the Shop Rite Plaza complex on the Route 6 commercial corridor. 

Fortunately, quick-thinking staff ushered the customer in to safety, reports the Hartford Courant.

The member of the public didn’t panic as he was blissfully unaware of the bear but assistant store manager Dan Niedzwiecki, who has worked at the branch for 20 years and never seen a bear, says the customer ‘was kind of shocked’ when he learned about his close encounter.

Initially, those involved thought the bear was a ‘big dog’ when it was spotted outside. 

A quick-thinking employee locked the inner door of the store after spotting the bear

A quick-thinking employee locked the inner door of the store after spotting the bear

A member of staff at Crazy Bruce's Liquors saved the day by ushering in an oblivious customer 

A member of staff at Crazy Bruce’s Liquors saved the day by ushering in an oblivious customer 

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection was alerted and no one is known to have been harmed in the incident

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection was alerted and no one is known to have been harmed in the incident

Native to North America, black bears are the smallest on the continent but on average adults weigh 240lbs and measure around 4.5ft.

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the omnivores are only two of the eight species that are not in danger of extinction. There’s also thought to be no threat for brown bears.

Spectators can tell the difference between a brown bear and black bear as the latter tends to be small in size, lacks the humped back and has shorter claws.

It eventually made its own way out of Crazy Bruce’s and the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection was notified of the incident.

It strolled through the parking lot of Shop Rite Plaza before going to Crazy Bruce's Liquors

It strolled through the parking lot of Shop Rite Plaza before going to Crazy Bruce’s Liquors

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk