A miracle occurred in Washington DC yesterday.
President Donald Trump held a 55-minute bipartisan meeting at the White House to discuss immigration, notably the controversial DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program set up under his predecessor Barack Obama.
Throughout the meeting, Trump was lucid, competent, confident, charming and informed. Indeed, he looked, sounded and behaved like a capable president running a very important gathering of some of America’s most senior politicians.
During an extraordinary hour of riveting debate, Trump tackled head on one of America’s most intractable issues and announced he’s now considering a dramatic deal to let 800,000 young immigrants (the ‘Dreamers’) brought illegally to the US as children STAY in the country – in return for Democrat support on border-security.
A miracle occurred in Washington Tuesday – President Donald Trump’s 55-minute bipartisan meeting at the White House to discuss immigration

During the riveting hour of television, he was lucid, competent, confident, charming and informed. He behaved like a capable president
The President then went even further and said he’d consider a more comprehensive immigration deal that would grant millions of undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship.
This wouldn’t be popular with Trump’s base but he said he’d ‘take the heat’ to make the deal because he wants work to start on his controversial Wall.
Make no mistake, this is big, BIG stuff – potentially resolving one of the most savagely contested running policy sores in America.
Now, the reason we know the details of this meeting is because, in an unprecedented move, TV cameras were allowed in to broadcast it – thus allowing the whole world to watch.
So there was no way for those inside to falsely spin it or claim things were said that weren’t said. This was reality show democracy, artfully conducted by one of the country’s most successful ever reality TV stars.
What, then, was the miracle?
Well, this is the same Donald Trump who is apparently suffering from an advanced form of dementia.

Why a miracle? This is the same president who is supposed to suffering from dementia and, according to a new book, be completely nuts
According to Michael Wolff’s new book “Fire and Fury”, the President is completely nuts and everyone knows it.
Even his entire family apparently believe he’s lost his marbles and is thus woefully unfit to continue in his job.
Oh, and he’s supposedly as thick as two short planks too, thus rendering him even more incapable of running the country.
Trump hit back at these slurs by branding himself a ‘stable genius’, which simply led to more widespread mockery that he’s bonkers.
Then, more shocking ‘evidence’ of Trump’s insanity came on Monday night when he was seen mumbling the words to the National Anthem at a football game.
‘He’s forgotten the words!’ screamed Twitter. ‘See! He’s losing his mind!
So when the world heard Trump was letting cameras into this meeting, everyone licked their lips with collective glee; we were now going to see the most powerful man on earth prove he’s a dumb, deluded whack-job melt down on live TV!
Only, that never happened.
In fact, by common consent, Trump’s performance was entirely normal, and really rather impressive.
To me, who’s known him ten years, he seemed the same as he’s always been.
A few hours after the meeting ended, South Korean President Moon-Jae-in publicly credited President Trump for his “huge” contribution to bringing the North and South together for landmark talks.
Trump has been globally lambasted for playing tough with North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong-un, even taunting him about the size of his nuclear button.
But Moon said the US President had ‘made a huge contribution to make inter-Korean talks happen (and) I’d like to express my gratitude.’
So here we are, less than two weeks into 2018, and President Trump has possibly fixed America’s biggest immigration issue AND averted nuclear war.
Not bad for an insane imbecile, right?
Especially when you consider how the US economy is surging, with unemployment tumbling and stock markets hitting record highs.
And how, last month, Trump achieved a major legislative win with his massive $1.5 trillion tax reform plan.
Oh, and how ISIS was recently smashed out of Iraq and Syria.
So amid all the incessant liberal shrieking about Trump’s provocative tweets, and uncontrollable ecstasy at Wolff’s bombshell blockbuster making him out to be a brain-dead lunatic, it’s worth noting that Trump is actually on a bit of a roll right now.
His style isn’t pretty, and his rhetoric often coarse, but there is increasing evidence that Trump’s bull-in-a-china-shop tactic towards government is beginning to pay real dividends.
Of course, this is the very last thing his army of haters either wants to hear or admit to.
In fact, the less deranged Trump appears, the more deranged many of his more famous critics are starting to appear.
For a perfect example of this, look no further than actor Robert de Niro
At one of the more obscure awards shows in New York last night, the Raging Bull star went off script to brand Trump the ‘jerk-off-in-chief’, ‘baby-in-chief’ and a ‘f***ing fool’ in an ugly vicious rant.

The less deranged Trump appears, the more deranged his critics appear. For example, Robert de Niro last night went off script to brand Trump the ‘jerk-off-in-chief’, ‘baby-in-chief’ and a ‘f***ing fool’ during an awards show
Introducing his old friend and fellow Trump-hater Meryl Streep, de Niro spat out his foul-mouthed venom like a boozed-up Neanderthal propping up the end of a bar at midnight.
It was entirely unsurprising. He’s spent much of the past two years abusing Trump in an ever more unhinged manner, even offering on one occasion to punch him.
Each time De Niro does this, he gets more publicity than he ever gets these days for his flagging movie career which hasn’t seen a major hit for decades.
Naturally, the mainly liberal audience roared their approval.
And Meryl swooned and slathered him in hugs and kisses when she arrived on stage.

The audience roared their approval. And Meryl Streep, being presented an award by de Niro, swooned and slathered him in hugs and kisses when she arrived on stage
Yet there’s a wonderful irony that won’t have been lost on anyone who saw this speech and also watched the President conduct that White House meeting yesterday.
And it’s this: Donald Trump looked perfectly sane, while Robert De Niro looked perfectly insane.
I’ve said since the Inauguration a year ago that screaming abuse at everything Trump does or says is self-defeating for his enemies; it simply rallies his base and empowers him more.
I also warned that eventually, it would lead to those doing it actually losing their minds.
As I watched the Raging Bullsh*tter spitting his hateful bile, I realised de Niro’s become one of the first casualties of a new strain of PTSD – Perpetual Trump Shrieking Disorder.
The poor man’s been sent doolally by a President who refuses to play by the rules, and infuriates as many people as he delights, but who is starting to deliver, as CNN’s Dana Bash said yesterday, what ‘people who had high hopes for the Trump presidency thought it would be.’
Compared to an ignorant lunatic like Robert de Niro, President Trump really DOES seem like a stable genius.