Police knock on mother’s door because her two and five-year-old children were playing naked in a garden paddling pool
- Beth McKenna, from Walkergate, Newcastle upon Tyne was visited by the police
- Anonymous tip-off had been made to NSPCC about children ‘naked’ in a garden
- She thinks her ‘nosy neighbours’ are to blame and is now demanding an apology
A mother was left horrified after police knocked on her door because her children were playing ‘naked’ in a paddling pool – and is now demanding an apology.
Beth McKenna, from Walkergate, Newcastle upon Tyne said she ‘couldn’t believe it’ when two uniformed police officers turned up at her home on Thursday.
It came following an anonymous tip-off to the police amid concerns for the welfare of her children Elizabeth, two, and five-year-old Stephen.
But when officers arrived they found the youngsters in a paddling pool, happily splashing around in the summer sun.
Beth McKenna, from Walkergate, Newcastle upon Tyne was at home with her two children Elizabeth, two, and five-year-old Stephen (pictured together) when police knocked on her door
‘I think the police were embarrassed to be there when they realised why,’ claimed the mother-of-two.
‘I was absolutely stunned, but more than anything else, I was furious.
‘There are people being murdered and stuff like that, this is what the police should be spending their time investigating – not this.’
Officers were called on Thursday afternoon following an anonymous tip-off to the NSPCC.
And Ms McKenna has slammed the ‘nosy neighbours’ she believes got the police involved.
She said: ‘(The officers) said they had to come around and were just doing their jobs, and basically laughed about how ridiculous it was.
‘But I think I am a good mum and I was angry that somebody could make accusations about my kids.
‘Nobody has the right to say that and I’d like something to happen to whoever put the call in.
‘And my daughter wasn’t even naked – she had a nappy on.
‘I mean, calling Childline or whatever for someone running around in a nappy – it is pathetic.’

When officers arrived on Thursday they found the youngsters (pictured, Elizabeth, two, and five-year-old Stephen) in a paddling pool, happily splashing around in the summer sun
Defending the call-out to the Courtfield road property, the NSPCC claimed it was a Northumbria Police decision to attend.
A spokesperson said: ‘Every year, the NSPCC Helpline makes tens of thousands of referrals to external agencies following reports of concerns for children’s welfare ranging from neglect and physical abuse to sexual abuse.
‘It is then down to those agencies to decide if they will take any action.’
However, Ms McKenna said she is frustrated that people seemingly have the power to try and anonymously ‘ruin’ people’s reputations.
‘I would like an apology,’ she added.
A Northumbria Police spokesperson said: ‘We can confirm we received an anonymous report through the NPSCC of concern for two children at an address in Walker.
‘Officers spoke to the family and had no concerns for the welfare of the children.
‘The matter has since been closed.’