- Party descended into chaos when gatecrashers scaled fences to break in
- Police were pelted with bottles with three injured and a patrol car damaged
- Two teens were thrown to the ground and arrested outside on the street
- Video shows police pushing their faces into the the concrete footpath
- Parents criticised the heavy-handed actions of police officers on the scene
Two teenagers were thrown to the ground and arrested while police pushed their faces into concrete footpaths outside an out-of-control party.
The party in Toronto on the NSW Central Coast on Friday night descended into chaos about 10pm when gatecrashers began scaling fences to break in.
They then allegedly threw bottles at police, injuring three officers and damaging a patrol car, when they were given move-on notices.
A 15-year-old girl had her face repeatedly pushed into the footpath by one officer as she was arrested outside an-out-of-control party on the NSW Central Coast
Video shot from Day Street outside showed a 15-year-old girl having her face repeatedly pushed into the footpath by one officer.
Metres away a shirtless 17-year-old boy shouted a stream of abuse as he was dragged to the ground by two officers and handcuffed.
Parents of some teenagers caught up in the party’s aftermath criticised the heavy-handed police response.
‘I think it’s a little brutal, the police. I’m just glad that it wasn’t my daughter,’ David Smith told 9 News.
Zach Wilkinson, who witnessed the scene, said: ‘There was no need, like, to use that amount of force.’

Metres away a shirtless 17-year-old boy shouted a stream of abuse as he was dragged to the ground by two officers

He was then handcuffed while two officers held him down and charged with carrying a knife, assaulting police, and using offensive language
But neighbours said they were frightened by the 250 youths who were brawling in the street and trying to break into nearby houses.
‘Teenagers threatened people in the street with violence, tried to enter homes and threatened to kill dogs in the street,’ one wrote on Facebook.
NSW Police said they were satisfied with how the situation was handled.
The 17-year-old boy was charged with carrying a knife, assaulting police, and using offensive language.
The 15-year-old girl will be dealt with under the Youth Offenders Act.
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