Post-pandemic office design proposes individual sealed pods with ventilation fans and sky lights

Many US states are allowing office workers to return to the workplace, but some businesses can only maintain 50 percent of their staff due to the ongoing social distancing policy.

However, an architect has proposed a pod system that seals each individual in a sterilized room, allowing everyone to work in the office.

Called Q.workntine, this hexagonal hive-like structure is air tight with a built-in ventilation system, sky lights and is accessed using facial recognition technology.

The pods would also be developed with hygiene friendly non-porous materials that can be easily cleaned and disinfected to avoid contamination. 


Q.workntine, this hexagonal hive-like structure is air tight with a built-in ventilation system, sky lights and is accessed using facial recognition technology

Q.workntine was developed by architect and designer Mohamed Radwan, who received an award in the Responsible Design category at the DNA Paris Design Awards, Business Insider reports.

The coronavirus hit the US earlier this year and forced millions of people out of the office and into their homes.

However, the pandemic seems to be subsiding and many states are in re-opening phases, which will send Americans back to work – and designers are helping employers create a safe and functioning space. 

‘With the world under lockdown for an extended period of time, some essential businesses still has to keep at least the bare minimum of its workforce, working physically on site to provide necessary and vital supplies for the health supply chain, Radwan shared on his website.

Q.workntine pods are equip with automatic doors that are opened with facial recognition to provide contactless entry

Q.workntine pods are equip with automatic doors that are opened with facial recognition to provide contactless entry

Q.workntine was developed by architect and designer Mohamed Radwan, who received an award in the Responsible Design category at the DNA Paris Design Awards

Q.workntine was developed by architect and designer Mohamed Radwan, who received an award in the Responsible Design category at the DNA Paris Design Awards

‘And the longer the quarantine continues, more companies may be forced to do the same, as shortages will hit the global market.’ 

Q.workntine pods are equip with automatic doors that are opened with facial recognition to provide contactless entry.

Once inside, the employee is completely sealed off and ventilation fans with built-in air purifiers are activated to provide a continuous flow of clean air.

The structure includes a work unit with a control panel that operates the door and ventilation system.

Once inside, the employee is completely sealed off and ventilation fans with built-in air purifiers are activated to provide a continuous flow of clean air. The structure includes a work unit with a control panel that operates the door and ventilation system

Once inside, the employee is completely sealed off and ventilation fans with built-in air purifiers are activated to provide a continuous flow of clean air. The structure includes a work unit with a control panel that operates the door and ventilation system

There is also a sky light, so employees should not feel cut off from the world around them

There is also a sky light, so employees should not feel cut off from the world around them

And there is also a sky light, so employees should not feel cut off from the world around them.

Each pod is its own separate structure, which can be arranged in a hive shape to accommodate different office layouts.

And, according to Radwan, Q.workntine would take up the same amount of space as traditional desks.

Last month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) introduced sweeping new recommendations for how offices reopen and welcome back workers.

In the guidelines, the federal health agency suggests that employees have their temperatures taken upon arriving at the workplace.

Desks should be placed at least six feet apart or, if not possible, plastic and plexiglass shields should be erected.

Officials recommend that communal ‘coffee pots, water coolers and bulk snacks’ be banned and replaced with pre-packaged items.

Each pod is its own separate structure, which can be arranged in a hive shape to accommodate different office layouts. And Q.workntine would take up the same amount of space as traditional desks

Each pod is its own separate structure, which can be arranged in a hive shape to accommodate different office layouts. And Q.workntine would take up the same amount of space as traditional desks

Additionally, businesses should ‘prohibit handshaking, hugs and fist bumps’ and mandate that employees wear face masks at all times.

If employees follow the guidelines, it would completely reshape American office life and common workplace practices.

‘You, as the employer, are responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns and informing employees of the hazards in your workplace,’ the CDC wrote.

‘Remind employees that people may be able to spread COVID-19 even if they do not show symptoms.’