This is the harrowing moment a predatory rapist prowled a park at night before pouncing on a vulnerable teenage girl and subjecting her to a violent sexual attack.
Depraved Aftab Ahmed – who had a previous conviction for another sex attack – had watched rape porn before heading to Nuns Moor Park in Newcastle to find a victim.
Newcastle Crown Court heard the vile father-of-three had been viewing the sordid material for months when he decided to turn his sick fantasies into a grim reality.
This is the harrowing moment a predatory rapist prowled a park at night before pouncing on a vulnerable teenage girl and subjecting her to a violent sexual attack
CCTV images show Aftab walking through the park hooded. Sitting on a bench was a vulnerable 17-year-old girl who had gone out to get some fresh air having just been released from hospital.
When she saw 31-year-old Ahmed running towards her, she became fearful, got up and tried to leave the scene.
But the brute grabbed her round the neck from behind, dragged her into bushes, ignored her desperate pleas for him to stop and subjected her to a degrading and painful ordeal while biting her and threatening to kill her.
Now Ahmed – whose own wife helped bring him to justice after informing police of his suspicious behaviour that night – has been branded dangerous and jailed for nine years at Newcastle Crown Court after he admitted two counts of rape.

Aftab Ahmed, 31, pounced on a teenage stranger and subjected her to a vile attack in a Newcastle park after watching violent rape pornography online, a court heard today
The court heard it was around 8.10pm on March 28 that the teenager went to get some fresh air in Nuns Moor Park and became aware of Ahmed as she sat on a bench.
The court also heard from police how his wife revealed to them he had come back that night out of breath and had said he’d been jogging – something he’d never shown interest in before. And then the next day disposed of his clothes in a bin liner.
Describing the night’s events, prosecutor Louise Reevell said: ‘She got up and started walking, they passed one another and she then became aware of someone behind her.
‘She was grabbed from behind round her neck and told not to say anything and she was dragged into bushes.
‘She was saying ‘please don’t’ and ‘please let go of me’.’
Ahmed forced her to the ground by twisting her arm and demanded she perform a sex act, warning: ‘Do it or I will kill you’.
The rapist, who bit and groped her, then removed her lower clothing and raped her again.
When it was over, Ahmed asked if she wanted some money and she said no.
The victim was able to give a detailed description of her attacker to police, including that he was wearing a distinctive Adidas jacket and officers soon had their suspect on CCTV.
House to house inquiries led to officers being told a man fitting the description worked at a local food store and Ahmed was located and arrested.
Ahmed’s wife also provided damning evidence, saying he had been later home that night than usual and that when he got in he was out of breath.
He told her he had been for a run but she had never known him do that before.
She also told police that the next day he went to work wearing the same clothes but then returned, showered, changed his clothes and took the ones he had been wearing the night before in a bin bag, saying he was going to throw them away as he didn’t like them anymore.
The clothes were later found dumped in a bin near his place of work. When his phone was examined it revealed an ‘extensive web history’ of extreme pornography from the beginning of 2018, Miss Reevell said.
Minutes before the rape, he was researching ‘how long after fingerprints are left do police make an arrest’ and ‘is it possible to remove fingerprints’.

Sitting on a park bench was a vulnerable 17-year-old girl, who had gone out to get some fresh air having just been released from hospital. When she saw 31-year-old Ahmed running towards her, she became fearful, got up and tried to leave the scene
After the attack, he was looking at news reports of rape cases, checking out sentences and looking at a government website about ‘life in prison’.
Sentencing Ahmed to nine years, of which he must serve at least two-thirds in custody, plus an extended licence period until 2033 and sex offender registration for life, Judge Robert Spragg told him: ‘This was an attack which you were fantasising about and planning, in my judgement.
‘You have displayed predatory sexual behaviour in this and your previous offending. ‘This was an appalling attack which caused serious ongoing harm to her.
‘I believe if you were presented with a similar situation again, you would take it.
‘You were watching material which clearly led you to fantasise about just such an attack and there’s a significant risk you would do it again.’
The victim, who had not had sex before, and her family told how it had had a huge impact on them and the girl had to undergo tests to see if she had been infected with any diseases.

The court heard Ahmed of Fenham in Newcastle, had tried to fake psychiatric illness while in prison, smearing and eating his own faeces in order to get a move to a hospital wing (Newcastle Crown Court)
The court heard Ahmed of Fenham in Newcastle, had tried to fake psychiatric illness while in prison, smearing and eating his own faeces in order to get a move to a hospital wing.
He had been convicted of sexually assaulting another stranger in Sepember 2016, not far from the scene of the rape.
He forcefully grabbed a 27-year-old student as she walked past him at night.
The victim pursued him, remonstrating and a passer-by helped detain him.
Judge Spragg said Ahmed had come to this country at the age of 16 after a tough upbringing in Pakistan and had an arranged marriage, which had its troubles and he had been accessing chatlines.
Joe Hedworth, defending, said: ‘Nothing I can say on behalf of Aftab Ahmed can repair or even begin to repair the damage he acknowledges he has caused to the complainant.
‘His guilty pleas are his best and perhaps only mitigation so far as the circumstances of the offences are concerned.’
Mr Hedworth said Ahmed has had no contact with his wife or children since the attack but realises he has ‘no-one to blame but himself’.
He added: ‘Before this he has always worked hard long hours and provided for his family.
‘He fully understands he has brought shame on his immediate and wider family and he is greatly ashamed of his actions.’