It’s enough to make French President Mitterand turn over in his grave and gasp ‘Sacre bleu!!’
Undeniable evidence of Joe Biden’s startling mental decline is accumulating faster than naked selfies in Hunter’s laptop.
The Justice Department has now dropped one of the most damning indictments to date of our President – and they didn’t hit him with a single charge.
The Special Counsel investigating Biden’s mishandling of classified documents found he ‘willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.’
But – get this hot load of malarkey – Joe won’t be charged.
Why? Because his own Justice Department has concluded that a jury would find him to be ‘a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.’
Translation: No juror would throw their poor old grandpa in the clink, so the DOJ is not going to bother prosecuting.
And it gets worse.
Call the cops!
This Special Counsel report is elder abuse.
This document states that during interviews Biden forgot when he was vice president, the dates of his son Beau’s death and the details of the debate over his own disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Undeniable evidence of Joe Biden ‘s startling mental decline is accumulating faster than naked selfies in Hunter’s laptop.

The Special Counsel investigating Biden’s mishandling of classified documents found he ‘willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen.’ (Above) Classified documents in Biden’s Delaware garage
It’s official. America’s top law enforcement department thinks Biden’s brains have turned to mashed potatoes.
And America agrees.
A gutting new NBC News poll shows Biden trails Donald Trump by 23 points on the question: Does the candidate have ‘the necessary mental and physical health to be president.’
That poll was taken before this DOJ report and before Joe’s back-to-back-to-back verbal blunders this week proving his cognitive function is shot.
On Sunday, Biden name-checked the President of France claiming they spoke at the G7 summit in 2021.
Unfortunately for Biden, he conjured the name of former French President Francois Mitterand and not the current office holder, Emmanuel Macron.
Unfortunately for Mitterand, he died a quarter century before the summit even occurred.
Two days later, Biden forgot the name of the murderous terror group responsible for the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust.
‘There’s been a response… from… the opposition,’ he mumbled to reporters.
‘Hamas?’ a helpful off-camera voice suggested.
‘Yes, I’m sorry, from Hamas,’ fumbled Joe.

This document states that during interviews Biden forgot when he was vice president, the dates of his son Beau’s death and the details of the debate over his own disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Then the most devastating, disturbing blooper of them all dribbled from his lips on Wednesday.
For some inexplicable reason, during a New York City fundraiser, he revisited his G7 ‘I see dead people’ gaffe.
And this time, he substituted long-dead Mitterand for a more recently deceased European leader.
‘Helmut Kohl turned to me and said…’ he ad-libbed.
German Chancellor Helmut Kohl died in 2017!
Joe’s cerebrum is as useful as a week-old bran muffin.
Desperate Democrats have been grasping by their fingernails to a glimmer of hope that Ol’ Scatterbrains might be able to squeak by in the 2024 campaign by phoning it in from the toilet in the Oval Office bathroom. And early on in this administration-turned-convalescence that may have been true.
White House staff would put President Mumblebum on ice for a few days after he stuck his foot in his mouth.
They’d toss him in a hyperbaric chamber, pump him full of teen-athlete blood or stick him like a piñata with vitamin B IVs and wheel him back out there, like a totaled Ford Pinto on a used car lot.
But that’s not possible anymore.

On Sunday, Biden name-checked the President of France claiming they spoke at the G7 summit in 2021. Unfortunately for Biden, he conjured the name of former French President Francois Mitterand (above) and not the current office holder, Emmanuel Macron.

Then he substituted long-dead Mitterand for a more recently deceased European leader. ‘Helmut Kohl (above) turned to me and said…’ he ad-libbed
One of the most consequential elections in living memory and a smattering of bloody global conflicts teetering on World World III require the leader of the free world to speak contemporaneously.
Now, instead of his oral faceplants occurring in every third speech, his normal-to-gaffe ratio has inverted.
Say what you want about his predecessor but 45 could hold hours-long rallies peppering MAGA faithful with bad advice and then spar with bloodthirsty reporters for 90 minutes – all before lunchtime.
Joe The Medium can’t deliver a scripted speech, let alone handle a single question, without breaking into an unsanctioned séance.
The only thing the White House can do now is lean into this and claim Biden sees ghosts, fire the Secretary of State and tell the American people that the commander-in-chief relies on the advice of Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi and Patrick Swayze.

Joe The Medium can’t deliver a scripted speech, let alone handle a single question, without breaking into an unsanctioned séance.
Then, next time Biden gives a speech stick a Ouija board under his liver-spotted hand and people just might buy it.
If there was a single Democrat left in America who wasn’t already in a full-blow panic over their feeble front-runner, surely, they’re chomping Prozacs like Tic-tac’s today.
But put the politics aside for a moment.
This is terrifying!
Who is running this Weekend At Bernie’s White House?
We’ve got Kamala Harris cackling like a witch over a bubbling cauldron of hot word salad, a Secretary of Defense who is hospitalized for days without telling anyone, and a President who – according to his own damned DOJ – cannot be held responsible for his own actions.
Forget 2024!
Beef up on the 25th Amendment folks.
This election may be over before it begins.