A pub landlord has laid claim to Britain’s best beer garden – which contains a 30ft vintage jet.
Paul Greig had always dreamed of owning his own aircraft after becoming obsessed with planes flying over his house as a kid.
Aircraft enthusiast Paul had challenged his kids in 2005 that you couldn’t buy ‘absolutely anything’ on eBay.
Paul Greig had always dreamed of owning his own aircraft after becoming obsessed with planes flying over his house as a kid

Married father-of two Paul was left stunned when he spotted an advert on eBay for a 1966 retired Jet Provost T Mark Three selling with a price tag of just £1,000

Paul stands on the plane in his garden – people come from as far a Holland to get a glimpse of the jet in the pub
But married father-of two Paul was left stunned when he spotted an advert on the site for a 1966 retired Jet Provost T Mark Three selling with a price tag of just £1,000.
He frantically rang nine friends who forked out £100 each – and because Paul had the most available space it ended up in his beer garden in North Yorkshire.
Some plane enthusiasts had even travelled from as far as the Netherlands to get a glimpse of the vintage aircraft.
Paul, 53, said: ‘The best part of the day is watching people come in and gasp, saying is it real? Can it fly? How did you land it here?
‘We get customers coming all the way from Holland to see it – they’re amazed it’s just sat in the back of the beer garden.’
He added: ‘It’s honestly the best £100 I have ever spent, and that’s not just because of the increase in customers, but we’ve not stopped working on it since.’

Paul, 53, said: ‘The best part of the day is watching people come in and gasp, saying is it real? Can it fly? How did you land it here?’

The Jet was lifted by crane into the pub garden in July 8, 2005 before the group of friends all began working on the plane

Paul, 53, stands in the plane in his pub garden in Northallerton, North Yorkshire

Following a long restoration since in was purchased in 2005, the plane is now fully equipped with a working cockpit and lights
Paul proudly says the large garden ornament is a real pull with customers at his pub The Standard in Northallerton, North Yorkshire.
Captain Greig, as he is now known by locals, recalls placing the bid just in the nick of time with two minutes left before the auction closed.
The band of brothers have spent hundreds of hours doing up the aircraft, working on the project at weekends.
Following a painstaking restoration, the plane is now equipped with fully working cockpit and landing lights.

The jet was delivered to the pub by a lorry in 2005

A lorry transported the vintage plane which the pub landlord bought on eBay

‘Captain Greig’ had to restore the plane himself with the help of nine friends who co-own the plane

An aerial view of the plane, which dominates the pub garden in Northallerton
Paul said: ‘My garden was the biggest so I decided to put it in – it took just half a day to crane it over from the neighbour’s yard in four pieces.
‘It all depends on the weather – and while running a pub I usually have my hands full.
‘The plane had been painted over and painted over and we stripped it all back and worked and worked on it.
‘We are all complete amateurs but have a love for aircrafts – it’s a real hobby and we enjoy working on it.’

Landlord Paul Greig, 53, and his fighter jet in his pub garden which was done up by him and his friends, who are self described ‘complete amateurs’

Restoration of the paint starting with an undercoat in 2006

Asked about the hidden secret being unearthed, Paul said: ‘It’s funny because it’s being here all this time and we’ve never had any publicity until a journalist wandered in and was taken aback’

Before the plane was transported to Paul’s pub June 2005, it had spent the last five years in a field alongside other war machines, including at tank, in Sussex

Paul describes the plane as ‘a piece of aviation history’ and says it’s the best thing he’s ever bought
Paul became obsessed with planes after spending his childhood living in a flight path of Edinburgh airport.
He says the hardest part of the restoration project is finding parts which now no longer exist.
Asked about the hidden secret being unearthed, Paul said: ‘It’s funny because it’s being here all this time and we’ve never had any publicity until a journalist wandered in and was taken aback.
‘I don’t know if it the best – but I can’t say I know of any other pubs that have a jet in the beer garden.’
The jet had flown out of RAF Linton on Ouse in the early 1960s.
Before the plane was transported to Paul’s pub June 2005, it had spent the last five years in a field alongside other war machines, including at tank, in Sussex.
The previous owner had also saved it from scrap when he bought it from a museum in south Wales after it closed.

The plane has a long history before ending up in Paul’s pub. It entered service in 1960 at Linton-on-Ouse and was used until 1973

The pub from the outside shows no sign of the fighter jet in the back garden

The landlord is pulling customers in from all over the country, and Europe, after the jet arrived

Aircraft enthusiast Paul had challenged his kids in 2005 that you couldn’t buy ‘absolutely anything’ on eBay…and he bought the plane

Jet Provost air-planes were used as jet trainers and Paul’s model was built in Luton as an RAF jet trainer
He said: ‘I basically wanted to stop it from being put on the scrap heap and the bloke that was selling it wanted to downsize after his wife had died.’
Adding: ‘It’s a bit of British aviation heritage which I couldn’t let go to waste.’
Jet Provost air-planes were used as jet trainers and Paul’s model was built in Luton as an RAF jet trainer.
The plane entered service in 1960 at Linton-on-Ouse and was used until 1973.