Public-school educated British artist claims his REAL father was drug lord Pablo Escobar

A public school-educated British artist believes he is a secret love-child of Pablo Escobar.

Phillip Witcomb, 53, who is now based in Majorca, says he was born Roberto Sendoya Escobar after in his words, a ‘non-consensual’ encounter between his father, then aged 16, and Maria Luisa Sendoya, who was just 14.

The birth was kept quiet and while he does not have a birth certificate naming Escobar as his father, a baptism document says Phillip was born to the drug lord.

He also spent time in a Catholic Church orphanage in the Colombian capital Bogota before he was adopted aged four months by British couple Patrick and Joan Witcomb.

Phillip Witcomb (pictured), 53, who is now based in Majorca, says he was born Roberto Sendoya Escobar after in his words, a ‘non-consensual’ encounter between his father, then aged 16, and Maria Luisa Sendoya, who was just 14

At 24-years-old Phillip says he was first told about his biological father from his adoptive parents.

His father Patrick claimed he was actually the eldest son of the world’s most notorious drug lord, Pablo Escobar.

‘In reality, I hadn’t really heard of Pablo Escobar so wasn’t really aware of what he’d done,’ Phillip told The Mail on Sunday.

‘But when dad told me about everything, I honestly couldn’t believe it. It all came as a complete shock and made me rethink my life.’ 

The Colombian narcoterrorist built a multi-billion dollar empire controlling 80 per cent of world cocaine trade. 

Escobar was shot dead by special forces nearly 25 years ago after slaughtering thousands of innocent people, including politicians, judges, journalists and rival traffickers, while waging war on Colombia’s government.

And as the supposedly unaware heir to an empire of unimaginable power and violence, Phillip claims his adoptive parents surrounded him with security as a child after the Escobar family made several attempts to kidnap him.

At 24-years-old Phillip says he was first told about his biological father from his adoptive parents. His father Patrick claimed he was actually the eldest son of the world's most notorious drug lord, Pablo Escobar

At 24-years-old Phillip says he was first told about his biological father from his adoptive parents. His father Patrick claimed he was actually the eldest son of the world's most notorious drug lord, Pablo Escobar

At 24-years-old Phillip (left) says he was first told about his biological father from his adoptive parents. His father Patrick claimed he was actually the eldest son of the world’s most notorious drug lord, Pablo Escobar (right) 

Seeing the danger his young son was encircled by, Patrick sent Phillip to board first at St Hugh’s prep school in Oxford, then Lucton School in Herefordshire.

‘I can now see that throughout my childhood he’d kept a lot of stuff from me to try to normalise my life as much as possible,’ Phillip told the Daily Express.

‘I don’t know when exactly but somewhere along the line [Escobar] found out about me, somewhere along the line he wanted me back,’ he says.

While for 14 years Phillip was blissfully left ignorant over his biological father’s identity, it was no accident that he had to find out when he did, he says. 

In 1989, when Patrick revealed his belief that Escobar was his son’s father, the gangster had reached the height of his murderous power. 

In 1993 Escobar was gunned down by police in Medellin and the fallout from this led to other big players in the cartel being jailed

In 1993 Escobar was gunned down by police in Medellin and the fallout from this led to other big players in the cartel being jailed

Yet with such wealth came more enemies and Patrick felt it only fair to warn Phillip of the danger he could be in.

He encouraged his son to get a full-time security team. Not only for Phillip’s safety but also for the welfare of wife Sue and their two children, Jonathan, then three, and Anna, then just one.

Thankfully Phillip never found himself in trouble due to the parentage he claims to have. 

In 1993 Escobar was gunned down by police in Medellin and the fallout from this led to other big players in the cartel being jailed.

Phillip never found his mother – and was told she died – which he says still affects him today. He believes due to her age that the encounter between her and his father couldn’t have been consensual and says that is ‘difficult to deal with’. 

He is now writing a book about his experiences and has been contacted by one of Pablo’s legitimate sons, yet is unsure about pursuing that relationship.

And while the trouble might seem to be over, Phillip still keeps a gun in the house and is aware of the potential problems going public could cause.

‘On the one hand those from the old days don’t have any real power any more. But on the other, I am the first born son of Pablo Escobar,’ he says.

‘It’s blood, it’s family, that’s the way it works down there.’