Puppy stolen from terminally-ill North Carolina girl, five

A North Carolina mother says someone broke into the family home and stole a puppy belonging to her terminally ill five-year-old daughter.

Shala Browning had been out celebrating her birthday with her daughter, Zakaia Gray, and other members of the family when they returned home to find Annabella May, an 11-week-old American Bully, was missing. 

The dog was being trained as a companion dog for Zakaia, who has brain cancer and was told she has three to six months to live.


Annabella May, which is still missing

Shala Browning had been out celebrating her birthday with her daughter, Zakaia Gray, (they are both pictured, left) and other members of the family when they returned home to find Annabella May, an 11-week-old American Bully, (right) was missing

Browning said her daughter cannot stop talking about the puppy and has been crying herself to sleep every night.

‘They slept together and ever since the dog has been gone, she has literally cried herself to sleep every night and throughout the day, says ‘I miss my dog,’ Browning told ABC11. ‘She’s really upset about it.’ 

Browning says the dog usually goes everywhere with the family, but they left her alone for a few hours Saturday to get her used to staying around the house.

‘I am trying to get her kennel trained, so I was like “She will be OK for a couple of hours,”‘ she told the Burlington Times-News. 

Browning said her daughter (pictured) cannot stop talking about the puppy and has been crying herself to sleep every night

Zakaia in an undated family handout photo

Browning said her daughter (pictured) cannot stop talking about the puppy and has been crying herself to sleep every night

Burlington police responded to the break-in and found that nothing besides Annabella May was stolen. 

They took fingerprints from the kennel, which have not yet been matched with anyone. 

Browning says she does not have other people in the house so whoever took the dog must have seen them.

She thinks the thief went in through a broken window, which was due to be repaired this weekend. 

Anyone with information can call Burlington Police Department at 336-229-3500. For anonymous methods, call Alamance County-Wide Crimestoppers at 336-229-7100 or text 8398 to 274637 for the text-a-tip method, both with possible cash rewards.

Burlington police responded to the break-in and found that nothing besides Annabella May (pictured) was stolen

Burlington police responded to the break-in and found that nothing besides Annabella May (pictured) was stolen

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk