A female hotel employee agreed to be tied up in a makeshift robbery in the hope of impressing a thief.
Ngawaiti Rawhiti, was sentenced to four years jail at Mackay District Court onMonday for her involvement in a hotel robbery in December 2015.
Rawhiti, of Sarina, told a guest how to reconcile the tills, which lead to a $41,000 robbery and a woman being raped because she fancied him, according to NewsMail.
The 24-year-old woman was sentenced to four years jail for her involvement in the hotel robbery in 2015
The 24-year-old was offered $5000 to play along with the robbery by being tied up, as well as information on how to steal from the tills.
During the robbery a woman was sexually assaulted by an accomplice.
The robbery took place in December 2015, Rawhiti’s involvement was not discovered almost two years later in July 2017.
She had initially sought victim’s compensation after providing false statements to police.
Rawhiti has since pleaded guilty to armed robbery with violence.
She was sentenced to four years’ in jail. She will be eligible for parole after 16 months have been served.
Crown prosecutor Elizabeth Kelso said Rawhiti’s involvement in the robbery was ‘integral’ to the crime.
It was unclear if Rawhiti was paid the $5000, Kelso said.
Victim impact statements read by the judge in court spoke of how a victim fears for their safety in their own home.

A female hotel employee wanted to impress a customer helping him with a robbery that led to sexual assault
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