Rates of underage drinking have plummeted across the world over the last decade

Rates of underage drinking have plummeted across the world over the last decade, according to an analysis.

A body funded by the alcohol industry delved into figures from 63 nations to reveal two thirds of them have seen a decline since 2003.

The United Kingdom has recorded one of the biggest drops, the report found – but the data for it only goes back as far as nine years ago.

The number of underage drinkers across England, Scotland and Wales shrunk by 40 per cent between 2010 and 2014. No data was analysed for Northern Ireland.  

Australia and Germany experienced a similar decline over similar time frames. The US has also seen rates drop but not as significantly.

It is not the first report to find young adults are shunning alcohol, with the ‘millennial’ generation being far more restrained in their drinking habits than older groups. 

A body funded by the alcohol industry delved into figures from 63 nations to reveal two thirds of them have seen a decline since 2003

The report found only six countries have noticed an increase in youngsters drinking, including Mexico, Argentina and Thailand.

The International Alliance for Responsible Drinking, behind the report, argued that children should not drink or have access to alcohol.

The body admitted more still needs to be done by industry and policy makers to get a grip on underage drinking.

Data from government publications and scientific literature from 2000 through to 2015 were reviewed in all of the countries.

But the IARD said there was no relevant data from between 2000 to 2003. Many countries did not have relevant data until 2010/11.

The body separated data for each gender for the countries that had enough data for it to be split. 

Denmark has the most underage drinkers – even though it experienced a decline, according to the analysis.

Rates dropped from 76 to 73 per cent between 2011 and 2015. No age limit to drink exists in Denmark – but teens can’t buy beer until they turn 16. 

In comparison, the lowest rate was just one per cent – recorded for girls in India, Indonesia and Myanmar in 2015/16.

In England, rates of underage drinking among boys went from 28 in 2010 to 10 per cent in 2014, and 21 to nine per cent for girls.

The NHS recommends that adults drink no more than 14 units each week — that's 14 single shots of spirit or six pints of beer or a bottle and a half of wine

The NHS recommends that adults drink no more than 14 units each week — that’s 14 single shots of spirit or six pints of beer or a bottle and a half of wine

The rate dropped from 26 to 14 per cent for boys in Scotland, and from 24 to 11 per cent for girls. 

In Wales, rates plummeted from 31 to 12 per cent in boys, and from 28 to 10 per cent in girls, the report revealed. 

No gender specific data existed for the US, which saw rates drop from 40 per cent in 2011 to 36 per cent in 2015.  

Henry Ashworth, chief executive of the IARD, said: ‘Children and minors should not drink alcohol, or have access to it.

‘And while it is positive to see downward trends in many countries there is still much work to be done.

‘It is critical that, across the world, we continue to build on these positive, downward trends and ensure everyone recognises the harms linked to underage drinking.’

He added: ‘Government regulation, such as legal drinking age limits, is the cornerstone for reducing underage drinking.’

A separate report by accommodation provider Unite found students are now more likely to spend freshers’ week in the library than the union bar.

Their research, which involved questions with 2,500 students, discovered that one in six students is now teetotal.

The authors of the report said: ‘Students are continuing to redefine the freshers’ week experience, moving away from the long-held image of overindulgence in alcohol, drugs and partying. 

‘Last year more students went to lectures during freshers’ week than drank alcohol and more spent time at the library than the student union bar, suggesting evolving priorities.’  


One screening tool used widely by medical professionals is the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Tests). Developed in collaboration with the World Health Organisation, the 10-question test is considered to be the gold standard in helping to determine if someone has alcohol abuse problems.

The test has been reproduced here with permission from the WHO.

To complete it, answer each question and note down the corresponding score.


0-7: You are within the sensible drinking range and have a low risk of alcohol-related problems.

Over 8: Indicate harmful or hazardous drinking.

8-15: Medium level of risk. Drinking at your current level puts you at risk of developing problems with your health and life in general, such as work and relationships. Consider cutting down (see below for tips).

16-19: Higher risk of complications from alcohol. Cutting back on your own may be difficult at this level, as you may be dependent, so you may need professional help from your GP and/or a counsellor.

20 and over: Possible dependence. Your drinking is already causing you problems, and you could very well be dependent. You should definitely consider stopping gradually or at least reduce your drinking. You should seek professional help to ascertain the level of your dependence and the safest way to withdraw from alcohol.

Severe dependence may need medically assisted withdrawal, or detox, in a hospital or a specialist clinic. This is due to the likelihood of severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms in the first 48 hours needing specialist treatment.

However, Mr Ashworth admitted the industry has a role to play to create ‘long-lasting changes’ in societies across the world. 

The IARD is made up of the ’11 leading beer, wine and spirits companies’, including Heineken, Carlsberg Group and Diageo.

University College London experts last year found young people are increasingly shunning alcohol, with nearly one in three not touching a drop. 

They said that the trend is so widespread that being teetotal is gaining wider social acceptance to the extent it is becoming ‘mainstream’.

A report by the Office for National Statistics last September revealed 18 year olds drink and smoke less than their parents did at their age. 

And a poll by Eventbrite in 2017 found millennials avoid getting drunk because they tend to see it as something older people to.  

Diageo last summer launched a ready-mixed gin and tonic made with less than 0.5 per cent alcohol last week, to match the modern habits.

Its chief executive said the firm knows ‘overall alcohol consumption is decreasing, particularly among young people’.

Country Sex  Year from   % from  Year to  % to 
Albania Both 2011  32  2015  32 
Argentina  Boys  2009  48  2014  51 
  Girl    46    50 
Australia  Both  2013  28  2016  18 
Austria  Boys  2010  37  2014  23 
Girls    28    11 
Barbados  Boys  2006 32  2013  34 
  Girls    35    34 
Benin  Boys  2009  18  2016  38 
  Girls    13    42 
Bulgaria Both  2011  64  2015  59 
Canada  Both  2010/11  47  2014/15  39 
Chile  Both  2011  35  2015  31 
Colombia  Both  2011  31  2016  24 
Cook Islands  Boys 2010  29  2015  29 
  Girls    29    23 
Croatia  Both  2011  66  2015  55 
Cyprus  Both  2011  70  2015  68 
Czechia  Both  2011  79  2015  68 
Denmark Both  2011  76  2015  73 
El Salvador  Both  2008  12  2016 
Estonia  Both  2011  59  2015  38 
Fiji  Boys  2010  22  2016  16 
  Girls    11   
Finland  Both  2011  48  2015  32 
France  Both  2011  67  2015  53 
Germany  Boys  2010  35  2014  18 
  Girls    14   
Ghana  Boys  2007  26  2012  18 
  Girls    29    13 
Greece Both  2011  72  2015  66 
Grenada  Boys  2005  48  2013  36 
  Girls    38    34 
Guatemala  Boys  2009  18  2015  18 
  Girls    14    15 
Guyana  Boys  2004  47  2010  44 
Hungary  Both  2011  61  2015  55 
Iceland  Both  2011  17  2015 
India  Boys  2005/6  11  2015/16 
Indonesia  Boys  2007  2015 
Ireland Both  2011  50  2015  35 
Italy  Both  2011  63  2015  57 
Jamaica Boys  2010  58  2017  55 
  Girls    47    36 
Lebanon  Boys  2011  37  2017  21 
  Girls    22    15 
Lithuania  Both  2011  63  2015  34 
Malta  Both  2011  68  2015  54 
Mauritius  Boys  2011  28  2017  20 
  Girls    22    21 
Mexico  Boys  2011  17  2016  17 
  Girls    12    15 
Mongolia  Boys  2010  2013 
Montenegro  Both  2011  38  2015  40 
Myanmar  Boys  2007  2016 
Namibia  Boys  2004  35  2013  26 
  Girls    31    21 
Netherlands  Both  2011  64  2015  49 
New Zealand  Both  2006/7  75  2107/18  57 
Norway  Both  2011  35  2015  22 
Panama  Boys  2003  43  2008  26 
  Girls    36    16 
Paraguay  Both  2003  40  2014  25 
Peru  Both  2007  16  2012 
Philippines  Boys  2011  23  2015  20 
  Girls    15    17 
Poland  Both  2011  57  2015  47 
Portugal  Both  2011  52  2015  42 
Romania  Both  2011  49  2015  47 
Russia  Boys  2010  17  2014  12 
  Girls    15   
Seychelles  Boys  2007  62  2015  46 
  Girls    61    49 
Slovakia  Both  2011  60  2015  49 
Slovenia  Both  2011  65  2015  52 
Spain  Both  2012  74  2016  67 
Suriname  Boys  2009  36  2016  37 
  Girls    30    36 
Sweden  Both  2011  38  2015  26 
Switzerland  Boys  2010  26  2014  11 
  Girls    13   
Thailand  Boys  2008  22  2015  27 
  Girls    10    19 
Tonga  Boys  2010  15  2017  15 
  Girls    13   
Trinidad and Tobago  Boys  2006 57  2013  27 
  Girls    43    29 
England  Boys  2010  28  2014  10 
  Girls    21   
Scotland  Boys    26    14 
  Girls    24    11 
Wales  Boys    31    12 
  Girls    28    10 
Ukraine  Both  2011  54  2015  39 
Uruguay  Boys  2011  70  2016  67 
  Girls    70    71 
USA  Both  2011  40  2015  36 
Vanuatu  Boys  2011  10  2016  15 
  Girls      10 

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