The mother of the murdered South African model Reeva Steenkamp has told BBC Radio 5 that live she still wakes every night at the exact time her daughter was shot – nearly five years after it happened.
June Steenkamp was speaking to Emma Barnett on BBC Radio 5 live about the Foundation she has set up in memory of Reeva, who was murdered by her boyfriend, the South African athlete Oscar Pistorius, on Valentine’s Day 2013.
He said he thought she was an intruder hiding in the toilet, and is now serving a prison sentence for the crime.
June Steenkamp, pictured here in court along with her husband Barry, spoke with Emma Barnett on BBC Radio 5 live about life since her daughter was murdered in February 2013

Oscar Pistorius claimed he believed an intruder was hiding in the bathroom of the house he shared with Ms Steenkamp when he opened fire and shot through the door

Reeva Steenkamp, pictured was gunned down by her boyfriend Oscar Pistorius
June Steenkamp said: ‘We wake up every morning at 3 o’clock, which is when she died. I think it was about twenty past three. And then you think of her in that toilet and what she must have gone through. Nobody deserves that.’
When asked if she and Reeva’s father talk when they wake up, she replied: ‘No, we just wake up. Then the thoughts start. It’s all in there, it’s all contained in your mind…. I still today get very upset.’
Even after the full horror of what had happened that night was revealed, she still gets criticised by people who feel that Oscar Pistorius has been treated too harshly by the South African courts.
Defending her actions to get his sentence increased, she said: ‘If you get 15 years for killing a rhino, surely if you kill a person it must have a big sentence. It must have respect for the person that has lost their life.’

Pistorius shot dead Ms Steenkamp on Valentine’s night in 2013 through a toilet door
She continued: ‘We became victims of what had happened. There are still people today who blame us for what happened to Oscar. And it’s crazy if you think of it. We did nothing wrong, what did we do wrong?’
Pistorius was initially sentenced to six years when he was first convicted. However this was criticised as ‘shockingly lenient’ by the South African Appeal Court and was increased to 13 years and five months.
Mrs Steenkamp has set up the Reeva Rebecca Steenkamp Foundation in her daughter’s memory to raise awareness of abuse against women and children in South Africa and around the world.