The cannabis plant is filled with surprising developments. In the last quarter of 2019, Italian researchers found THCP, a brand new natural variant of THC that is said to be 30 times more potent.
Beginning in 2021, items that claim to contain THCP products are now available online. However, scientists are trying to figure out the strength of this cannabis compound that is new.
Find out what THCP is, what makes it different from other cannabis compounds, and the timeframe for when you can count on THCP products to be safe for consumption by humans.
What exactly is THCP?
There is a new form of THC called Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabiphorol (THCP), which may achieve 30 times its potency. At the same time, it is the hottest in THC’s “legal” market, THCP is still the subject of intense research in the United States and internationally.
In the study, Italian researchers relate their efforts to discover new cannabinoids that are present in the varieties of Cannabis Sativa and led to finding THCP and CBDP.
It is now thought that the previously unresolved higher potency of some cannabis strains could have to do with the existence of small amounts that contain these “phorbol” cannabinoids.
THCP overview
- A discovery of cannabinoid that is a natural ingredient
- There is currently a very murky market
- The receptors for cannabinoids are fully activated.
- There’s a CBD version of CBDP: CBDP.
- Most likely to be a key future target for Big Pharma in the future
What makes THCP different?
To discover how THCP differs from other versions of THC, researchers utilized an artificial cannabinoid receptor antagonist, CP55940, to test the comparison.
The man-made drug stimulates the brain’s CB1 receptors, and Delta 9 THC does not provide any near-total activation.
According to Italian researchers who conducted the study, THCP is comparable to synthetic cannabinoid antagonists in its capacity to trigger its CB1 receptors fully. THCP gives you a significantly “fuller” feeling than THC without overriding the brain’s circuits.
Is THCP synthetic?
The truth is that THCP can be found naturally in cannabis, which means it’s not necessarily synthetic. However, it needs to be synthesized to make it useful because it’s only found in small quantities.
This makes THCP different from THCO, the second “super” version of THC, which has recently gained popularity and can only be synthesized as it’s not naturally found in cannabis.
It’s both a positive but also a negative. On one side, THCP has been slow to make its way into the market, which has prevented a sudden surge of super-strong THC.
However, access to genuine THCP or CBDP remains restricted and is unfortunate for natural compounds with huge potential to change the industry of cannabinoids.
What exactly is THCP employed to do?
At the moment, THCP isn’t used for any purpose at all. The super-strong cannabinoid is difficult to come by from cannabis, and scientists are still trying to figure out the nature of THCP in the first place.
Shortly, THCP, CBDP, and possibly other yet-to-be-determined “phorol” cannabinoids such as CBGP or CBCP could profoundly impact the hemp industry worldwide.
Pharmaceutical companies can’t wait to find an exact, high-strength, repeatable form of THC, and few words seem more attractive to Big Pharma than “full neuroreceptor activation.”
“Phorol” cannabinoids can be utilized for any current use for THC and CBD in the future. Whatever happens, THCP and CBDP are already incredible cannabinoids that activate the neuroreceptors more efficiently than traditional forms.
It is believed that isolated THCP and CBDP will likely be more widespread in the first few years as the cannabis breeders of tomorrow are struggling to keep up.
Is THCP legal?
THCP is not listed as a controlled substance as “marijuana,” so it is not classified as a Schedule I illegal drug. Most cannabinoids within Cannabis sativa and Delta 9 THC are considered industrial hemp, which is entirely legal.
The problem becomes complicated when it is synthesized or modified cannabinoids, however.
Cannabinoids such as THCP or delta8, naturally extracted from hemp, are somewhat different from what they are from other substances such as Marinol or THCO that are completely synthesized THC derivatives.
In the future, synthetic THCP could be a common ingredient in prescription medications as natural versions of the substance are becoming increasingly popular with hemp concentrates and flower extracts.
All we need is that a compassionate, sane law governs the distribution and usage of this potent and promising cannabinoid.
Is it possible to purchase THCP online?
In the last few years, many companies have begun selling products advertised as having THCP.
The CannaAidShop offers top-shelf Delta 8 THC, Delta 8 gummies, Delta 8 carts, CBD, CBG, and CBN at the lowest prices. CannaAid carries top-shelf USA-made hemp products at the lowest prices guaranteed.