Revealed! Effective home workout to complete during lock down

With the nation on lock-down amid the coronavirus pandemic, a personal trainer has revealed an effective at-home workout that anybody can follow. 

Jessie Pavelka, 37, who resides in LA and has over 15 years industry experience as a qualified personal trainer, shared tips for keeping yourself fit without any gym equipment.  

The personal trainer, who has just launched brand new health and fitness app JP4, explained these 10 moves target the whole body, giving you a complete workout in the comfort of your own home.

He said: ‘You can fit this simple, effective all over body routine into your day without the need to travel anywhere. Just put on some music, and get going.’

Jessie Pavelka, who resides in LA, highlights the importance of warming up and says one of the best ways to do so is to simply march on the spot for three-five minutes (pictured)


Simple Marching/Jogging on the spot/Stair Climbs 3-5 Mins:

Lets get that heart rate up, get the blood flowing around the body and get your body ready for your workout. 

This can also be performed at the end of the workout as a cool down, by simply repeating, but more slowly this time to allow the body to return to its usual temperature and heart rate.


The personal trainer advises that air squats (pictured) are the perfect exercise for helping to create balance in your legs and lower body

The personal trainer advises that air squats (pictured) are the perfect exercise for helping to create balance in your legs and lower body

This is a great exercise for building up a solid strength foundation, together with increased balance in your legs and lower body. This is additionally great as you also engage your core, so its a win-win!

To perform an AirSquat:

1. Keep your feet at shoulder width apart and pointed straight ahead.

2. Your knees should not go past your toes.

3. Your back should not round out.

4. Avoid dropping your shoulders forward. Your lower body should be the only part of you moving.


The globally acclaimed fitness and wellbeing expert advises push ups (pictured) for helping to build upper body strength

The globally acclaimed fitness and wellbeing expert advises push ups (pictured) for helping to build upper body strength

These are a great exercise for building upper body strength. Working the triceps, chest muscles, and our shoulders, with an added bonus of strengthening the lower back and core by engaging (pulling in) our abdominal muscles.

To perform a Pushup:

1. Kneel on the floor, with your feet together.

2. Palms flat, hands shoulder-width, fingers facing forward, and shoulders over your hands. Feet together, your back flat, and your abs pulled in.

3. Slowly lower your body toward the floor, until your chest touches the ground.

4. Push back upward. Continue pressing until your arms are fully extended at your elbows and you’re back at the top of the pushup position.


Jessie also advocates the hip bridge (pictured) for helping to improve hip mobility, glute strength and strengthening the lower back

Jessie also advocates the hip bridge (pictured) for helping to improve hip mobility, glute strength and strengthening the lower back

This is great for improving hip mobility, glute strength and strengthening your lower back, ideal for anyone desk-bound or working-from-home.


‘Remember, we all have different abilities, so a great way to get the best out of this workout is to do as many reps as you can for each exercise before moving on to the next exercise on the list. 

Then, if you feel you’ve got the energy, do another circuit, and then another. You can tailor it however you like to suit your needs, but above all, have some fun with it.

To perform a Hip Bridge:

1. Lie on the floor, knees bent, feet flat on the ground, with your arms at your side and palms down.

2. Lift your hips off the ground until your knees, hips and shoulders form a straight line. 

Squeeze those glutes hard and keep your abs drawn in so you don’t overextend your back during the exercise.

3. Hold your bridged position for a couple of seconds before easing back down, making sure the power comes from the hips and not from pushing from your heels


Jessie advises performing the trunk twist (pictured) to exercise your oblique muscles - which are located at the sides of your waist

Jessie advises performing the trunk twist (pictured) to exercise your oblique muscles – which are located at the sides of your waist

The Standing Trunk Twist is a great way of exercising your oblique muscles (part of your core). 

Your obliques are located at the sides of your waist, and can be strengthened just like any other muscle group by performing this exercise.

How to perform the Trunk Twist:

1. Stand with your feet at shoulder width and your knees slightly bent.

2. Place your arms and hands in a ‘Hands Up’ position

3. Twist your torso to one side, raising your knee and taking the opposite elbow to that raised knee.

4. Return to the start position and perform the exercise again, this time to the other side.


The qualified personal trainers says tricep dips (pictured) are a great way to build arm and shoulder strength

The qualified personal trainers says tricep dips (pictured) are a great way to build arm and shoulder strength

The Tricep dip is a great body-weight exercise that builds arm and shoulder strength, and can be done almost anywhere.

How to perform a Tricep Dip:

1. Sit on a chair/bench/step and hold the edges with your hands, ensuring your knuckles face forward.

2. Press into your palms, lift your body and slide forward just far enough that your bottom clears the edge of the chair/bench/step.

3. The body should then be lowered, bending the elbows to between 45 and 90 degrees, pausing for a second, and then push yourself back up to the start position. Ensure that your arms are supporting your weight.


The expert says lunges (pictured) can help to build up both your strength and tone your core simultaneously

The expert says lunges (pictured) can help to build up both your strength and tone your core simultaneously 

Lunges help to build up strength and tone your body, especially in your core, glutes, and legs. They also greatly help improve your posture and range of motion.

How to perform a Lunge:

1. Keep your upper body straight, core engaged, shoulders relaxed and back, and your chin up (focussing on a point in front of you)

2. Step forward with one leg, lowering your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. 

Make sure your front knee is directly above your ankle, not pushed out too far, ensuring your other knee doesn’t touch the floor. Keep the weight in your heels as you push back up to the starting position.


Jessie demonstrates how reverse crunches (pictured) improve stability throughout the lower back, hips and spine

Jessie demonstrates how reverse crunches (pictured) improve stability throughout the lower back, hips and spine

Reverse crunches are great core strengthening exercises and also improve stability throughout the lower back, hips, and spine.

How to perform a Reverse Crunch:

1. Lay on the floor, arms by your side, bending your legs at the knee. Then brace your abs to slowly raise your legs as shown.

2. Exhale as you contract the abs to curl your hips and knees toward your chest, with only your hips coming off the mat as you curl. 

Your knees should remain at the same angle throughout this upward phase. Head kept straight with neck and shoulders remaining relaxed.

3. Inhale and slowly return to the starting position.


Jessie advises doing split squats (pictured) to help build up strength in your legs, glutes and core muscles

Jessie advises doing split squats (pictured) to help build up strength in your legs, glutes and core muscles

A great exercise to build up strength in your legs, glutes and core muscles.

How to perform a Bulgarian split squat:

1. Place the top of one foot on the bench, then your opposite foot far enough in front of the bench as shown.

2. Engaging your core, roll your shoulders back and lean slightly forward at the waist, beginning to lower down on your front leg, bending at the knee.

3. When your front thigh is parallel to the ground, hold the position for a second ensuring your rear knee doesn’t touch the ground.

4. Push up through your front heel, keeping your torso upright and return to the starting position.

5. Switch legs when all reps are complete, and repeat on the other side.


The row, as demonstrated by Jessie (pictured), strengths the upper back muscles located around and between the shoulder blades

The row, as demonstrated by Jessie (pictured), strengths the upper back muscles located around and between the shoulder blades

This is an exercise that strengthens the upper back muscles located around and between the shoulder blades. Great also for improving posture, and can be done sitting or standing.

How to perform a Row:

1. Begin in a standing position.

2. Holding handles, stand tall with abs tight with arms extended out in front of you.

3. Pull the handles back until they are next to your side and elbows are behind you, as shown.

4. Slowly release, extending the arms again to the start position, and then repeat the exercise


While mountain climbers (pictured) are tricky, they improve endurance, core strength and agility

While mountain climbers (pictured) are tricky, they improve endurance, core strength and agility

Mountain climbers are great for building endurance, core strength, and agility. Several different muscle groups are worked throughout the exercise.

How to perform a Mountain Climber:

1. Get into a plank position, making sure to spread your weight between your hands and your toes.

2. Ensure your hands are about shoulder-width apart, back flat, abs engaged, and your neck is straight.

3. Pull your right knee into your chest as far as you can.

4. Then switch, pulling that knee out and bringing the other knee in.

5. Keeping your hips down, control your pace to ensure the muscles are working under tension rather than momentum.


A great way to finish off your workout.

High Knee Rapid Step/Jog Finishers:

1. Stand in place with your feet hip width apart.

2. Drive one right knee toward your chest (so that the thigh is at least above horizontal) then quickly place it back on the ground.

3. Follow immediately by driving your left knee toward your chest. Done slowly this will be a march.

4. Alternate knees as quickly as you can. Go as high and as fast as you can. Aim to fit this in at the end of your workout, with your high Intensity effort lasting for 15-20 seconds, followed up by 45-40 seconds of slow, steady walking on the spot for recovery. Repeat this 4-6 times.