ROB WAUGH on Google’s language-translating headphones 

Google Pixel Buds 



When I was at school, it seemed an intolerable burden to have to learn our times tables – after all, we’d all carry calculators in the glorious, high-tech future.

But future generations of annoying know-it-all children may say exactly the same thing about French classes – as Google has brought out headphones that are alarmingly close to the language-translating Babel Fish from The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy.

The weirdest part is that they actually work. 

Rob Waugh reviews Google's new Pixel Buds, their language-translating headphones that cost £159

Rob Waugh reviews Google’s new Pixel Buds, their language-translating headphones that cost £159

You’ll need Google’s Pixel phone (plus its Translate app) and then you tap the headphone and speak. 

Seconds later, a good translation (in French, at least) comes out of the phone’s speaker. 

To hear translations, tap the app before someone talks to get a translated version direct into your ear.

It’s slow, but far less humiliating than the British holiday staple of miming with exaggerated motions while talking slowly and loudly in English.

It’s just a shame that the rest of the Pixel Buds are so flawed.

They’re packed with cool-sounding but pointless technology such as touch controls (that turn on constantly when you don’t want them to), which makes them worse at their basic job of playing music into your ears.

They’re ungainly – it feels like you’re popping wine corks into your ears – fall out constantly, and are prone to running out of batteries without warning. A clever idea, just don’t buy them.